16 Money Mistakes Parents Have Actually Taught Their Kids (2024)

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Our parents are basically a fountain of knowledge for all our debt and saving questions. But while they may be well-intentioned, they don't always get *everything* right. And that can, unfortunately, wind up costing us in the long run. So we recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share a money mistake they learned from their parents (so you can learn from their experiences). Here's what they had to say: 1. "My mom said that since so much money goes to waste on interest in payment plans for large purchases (like a car), it’s better to just buy things outright." 2. "Don’t take out college loans and avoid using a credit card in college. I didn’t realize that having those loans/debt, though, would help in the long run." 3. "My parents told me that I should never, EVER use a credit card, and that they were bad and would put you in unimaginable debt. They told me that I should just use a debit card, but now I know that credit cards aren't evil, lol!" 4. "My father-in-law told my husband to only buy things if you can buy in full. That's great theoretically, but cut to when we were trying to apply for a mortgage and he didn’t have any credit to his name... Financing things is okay; just don’t live outside of your means." 5. "They said putting money into a standard savings account will earn you money. By money, they should have said pennies!" 6. "My dad was terrible with his money, so basically I’m doing the opposite of what he did and doing really well. I am frugal like my mom and mainly only shop sales racks." 7. "My dad taught me that pay raises were dangerous if they put you into a new tax bracket. He was wrong." 8. "My grandad instilled in us that we should only buy what we have money for and can afford. This is great but that means, living in the age we do with high living costs and no savings, I would never be able to have/replace anything." 9. "My father-in-law taught my husband and his siblings to not invest in a 401(k) or use a traditional savings account. Instead, he had them put their money in a weird, long-term trust account." 10. "If your parents expect you to 'share' what you earn when you are a legal adult, you are not required to." 11. "Do not ever put your student loan 'living expenses' reimbursem*nt into a joint account WITH ANYONE. That money is yours and it is also your responsibility." 12. "My parents never really talked about money and kind of pretended we did not have that much." 13. "My parents said you shouldn’t have different bank accounts because the fees will eat you up." 14. "My wife's parents told her that buying a timeshare was the smartest and most cost-effective way to do vacation planning. When we looked into it a little more and ran the numbers, I was stunned; they're a borderline scam." 15. "Saving money but not spending it wisely... My folks said to save every penny you get and not spend a dime. I had heaps of money saved up but because I wasn't taught how to spend money responsibly, I blew through my savings very quickly!" 16. Lastly, "They said to spend money when you have it because you don’t know when someone is going to take it or ask to 'borrow' it." Do you have a money "tip" you thought was true but you've since learned isn't? Share it below! FAQs

    "I didn’t realize that having those loans/debt, though, would help in the long run."

    by Jasmin SuknananBuzzFeed Staff

    Our parents are basically a fountain of knowledge for all our debt and saving questions. But while they may be well-intentioned, they don't always get *everything* right. And that can, unfortunately, wind up costing us in the long run.

    CBC Television / Via giphy.com

    Some of these tips might've been true when they were growing up, but the times have changed! They may also be passing down what *they* learned about money when growing up — and it can be hard to shake something you've been taught your whole life. Bottom line: They're trying their best to teach but they may make a few mistakes here and there.

    So we recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share a money mistake they learned from their parents (so you can learn from their experiences). Here's what they had to say:

    1. "My mom said that since so much money goes to waste on interest in payment plans for large purchases (like a car), it’s better to just buy things outright."

    Oprah Winfrey Network / Via giphy.com

    "I’ve since realized that this is fine advice if you can afford it, but most people don’t have access to that kind of money. My mom was able to rely on her parents for money for many years, while my experience of starting adulthood didn’t come with nearly as much in the way of financial assistance.

    I didn't know about things like how much money to have for a down payment or interest rates or pretty much...anything. I’m still so embarrassed about the time I went to a car dealership using only information that I had gleaned from their commercials and realized just how clueless I was."


    2. "Don’t take out college loans and avoid using a credit card in college. I didn’t realize that having those loans/debt, though, would help in the long run."

    "I was exceptionally fortunate to have half of my college tuition paid by scholarships and the other half by my parents. This left me able to pay for personal expenses in college with my money from summer jobs. After I graduated college and got married, we went to buy a car. Here I was with zero debt and a $50k/year job while she was a full-time grad student with $20k in undergraduate loans and, at one point, had over $5k in credit card debt (which she had paid off). And SHE had to be the primary on the car loan because she had the great credit score. Mine wasn’t bad; it was just not great because I’d never had debt before. I learned debt isn’t a bad thing. NOT PAYING off debt debt in time is."


    3. "My parents told me that I should never, EVER use a credit card, and that they were bad and would put you in unimaginable debt. They told me that I should just use a debit card, but now I know that credit cards aren't evil, lol!"

    Annapurna Pictures / Via giphy.com


    "My mum said the same thing and it came back to bite me when I wanted to apply for a mortgage but had never had credit before."


    "My parents said the same too! Unfortunately, I was in college pre–mobile banking and would overspend on my debit card and paid countless $15 overdraft fees when I could have avoided the whole mess by using credit and paying it off in full on payday — all while earning cash rewards and building credit."


    4. "My father-in-law told my husband to only buy things if you can buy in full. That's great theoretically, but cut to when we were trying to apply for a mortgage and he didn’t have any credit to his name... Financing things is okay; just don’t live outside of your means."


    5. "They said putting money into a standard savings account will earn you money. By money, they should have said pennies!"

    PBS / Via giphy.com


    6. "My dad was terrible with his money, so basically I’m doing the opposite of what he did and doing really well. I am frugal like my mom and mainly only shop sales racks."


    7. "My dad taught me that pay raises were dangerous if they put you into a new tax bracket. He was wrong."

    Comedy Central / Via giphy.com

    "Getting a raise that bumps you into a higher tax bracket does NOT mean that you could possibly make less money, since only the amount over the boundary line gets taxed at a higher rate. The only time that making more money can be a bad thing is if it disqualifies you from things like student loans and grants, or state or federal aid that you need."


    8. "My grandad instilled in us that we should only buy what we have money for and can afford. This is great but that means, living in the age we do with high living costs and no savings, I would never be able to have/replace anything."

    "For example, a new car. Although this means I’m debt-free (excluding mortgage and student debt), I also drive a crap car, have nothing ‘nice’ and never go on holiday. I am a teacher so [I] am earning a good salary and still cannot afford to have nice things!"


    9. "My father-in-law taught my husband and his siblings to not invest in a 401(k) or use a traditional savings account. Instead, he had them put their money in a weird, long-term trust account."

    16 Money Mistakes Parents Have Actually Taught Their Kids (2)

    Jgi / Getty Images

    "He just found out he's paying $10 a year in fees for an account accruing 10 cents (losing $9.90 a year). He's lost about half the savings and can't terminate/ transfer the funds as it's a fixed account. On the contrary, my folks had us open a savings account at a credit union when we were young to save up birthday and holiday money. The interest is low but the account is completely free! They 'gave' us the money I had saved up in that account when we got married. It was such a treat to finally see that money I had completely forgotten about since I was 8!"


    10. "If your parents expect you to 'share' what you earn when you are a legal adult, you are not required to."

    "Do not tell them how much you make; start your own private savings account and do your own taxes. At the end of the day, when things get rough, you are on your own."


    11. "Do not ever put your student loan 'living expenses' reimbursem*nt into a joint account WITH ANYONE. That money is yours and it is also your responsibility."

    NBC / Via giphy.com

    "If your parents 'borrow' some or 'didn't realize' it was not shared funds, you will never see that money again and good luck paying your rent toward the end of the semester when things get tight."


    12. "My parents never really talked about money and kind of pretended we did not have that much."

    "Cut to years later, living on my own and studying in Amsterdam (I’m Dutch): I noticed that I was waaaaay more privileged than others. Our house turned out to be pretty big, my parents were able to pay for the university education of their six (!) children, and we all had more than one hobby. That must have cost a FORTUNE. I would rather have known so I could be more grateful, but mostly it would be better to feel more comfortable talking about money. We never really did and now I don’t really know how to manage it all that well..."


    13. "My parents said you shouldn’t have different bank accounts because the fees will eat you up."

    FOX / Via giphy.com

    "The reality is if I don’t have separate accounts, it’s impossible to put aside for a rainy day, holidays, savings, etc. You don’t have a clear view of it otherwise. And lo and behold, my parents' finances are in tatters and they constantly need to borrow money from us."


    14. "My wife's parents told her that buying a timeshare was the smartest and most cost-effective way to do vacation planning. When we looked into it a little more and ran the numbers, I was stunned; they're a borderline scam."


    15. "Saving money but not spending it wisely... My folks said to save every penny you get and not spend a dime. I had heaps of money saved up but because I wasn't taught how to spend money responsibly, I blew through my savings very quickly!"

    16 Money Mistakes Parents Have Actually Taught Their Kids (3)

    Jamie Grill Photography / Getty Images

    "I'm good at spending money now but I'd be in a much better position financially had my parents taught me to spend money alongside saving it."


    16. Lastly, "They said to spend money when you have it because you don’t know when someone is going to take it or ask to 'borrow' it."

    "It took me 20+ years to realize I could just say no and refuse to give money to those who asked (mostly family members). And it’s taken many more years to build up the courage to say no. I’m just now starting to work on feeling comfortable saying no to anyone who asks for money. And I’m almost 40!"


    Do you have a money "tip" you thought was true but you've since learned isn't? Share it below!

    And if this sounds like music to your ears (and bank account), check out more of our personal finance posts.

    Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    16 Money Mistakes Parents Have Actually Taught Their Kids (2024)


    What parents should teach their kids about money? ›

    10 ways parents can teach their children about money
    • 1) Have a conversation. ...
    • 2) Don't forgot about physical cash. ...
    • 3) Explain how money is earned. ...
    • 4) Explore the difference between need and want. ...
    • 5) Set Savings Challenges. ...
    • 6) Involve them in the weekly shop. ...
    • 7) Talk about different ways to pay.

    Should kids know how much money parents make? ›

    In my opinion, late teens or early 20s is an ideal age range to begin having these conversations, especially if your child is heading off to college or beginning to think about their first job. The important thing to stress is that income should not be used to compare your family situation to anyone else's.

    How much money does a 10 year old have? ›

    Average allowance for kids and teens in 2022
    8 years old$7.42
    9 years old$7.94
    10 years old$8.67
    11 years old$9.45
    11 more rows
    Jun 27, 2023

    Should you tell your kids about money problems? ›

    Be honest with your children — but don't tell them more than they need to know. Avoid overloading older kids with too many details or worries that might scare them. Stick to brief explanations and be clear about changes made to the family budget.

    Should children be taught to save money? ›

    Spending on children is good, but teaching them about money should not be ignored. This is the most important thing about personal finance that many never realise. Saving is not about the arithmetic of returns or interest rates, but a way of thinking, a habit.

    How do you teach rich kids about money? ›

    Use allowances to teach children how to handle wealth. Have them divide their allowance into three equal parts. One-third goes toward their own pleasure, one-third into savings and one-third to charity. This method helps them learn about other uses of money, beyond buying them things.

    What percentage of parents do not talk to their kids about money? ›

    Some 24% talk to their children less often and 31% never do. Those who earn less money were more likely to have those money conversations once a week or more, as were Black and Hispanic respondents, the survey found.

    Should I tell my adult children how much money I have? ›

    It's important that your children understand your finances in the event something happens and you're not able to manage them yourself,” says Kerry Hannon, a best-selling author and personal finance expert.

    Do parents teach their kids about money? ›

    Whether it's what parents buy, how often they buy things or whether they look for deals, children are watching just how their mom and dad spend money. Some experts even believe that this is one of the biggest financial patterns kids adapt early on.

    How much should a 13 year old get paid for chores? ›

    So, kids up to 12 or 13 years old might earn up to $1 a week for each year of their age ($10, $11, $12 or $13 per week), while kids 14 and older could earn up to $2 per week per year of their age ($28 and up) depending on how many chores they complete.

    How much should a 12 year old get paid for chores? ›

    If you're using the $1 to $2 per-year-of-age rule, then a 12-year-old should get a weekly allowance of $12 to $24. This range is consistent with the average weekly allowance that parents pay, which is $19.39.

    What is a fair allowance for a 13 year old? ›

    8 years old: $8 to $16 weekly. 10 years old: $10 to $20 weekly. 13 years old: $13 to $26 weekly. 15 years old: $15 to $30 weekly.

    Should I give my 12 year old pocket money? ›

    Pocket money: children and teenagers. Pocket money can help children learn about money management and responsibility. Your decisions about pocket money will depend on your family circ*mstances and values. If you decide to give pocket money for chores, be clear about your expectations.

    Should you tell your kids you are rich? ›

    While there is no exact age to reveal, as a parent you will have to gauge your child's maturity to reveal the specific of your fortune, from an early age families should attempt to deliver consistent communication regarding how fortunate one is to be financially stable.

    When should you stop giving your children money? ›

    Just like when to start giving pocket money, deciding when to stop is up to you. Some parents give their kids pocket money until they're 18, but others stop at a younger age, maybe when kids get part-time jobs or start earning money from their own ventures.

    Should parents talk to kids about money? ›

    Talk about money

    “It needs to be part of the day-in, day-out conversation. As money topics come up and your kids are around, talk about them as openly as you feel comfortable.” One way to do this is by including your children in basic financial decisions.

    What do kids need to know about finances? ›

    Teach Your Child About Budgeting

    To avoid falling into debt, a great place to start would be to create a budget. Ask your child to make a note of all the expenses they've made throughout the month, and then plan the next month accordingly. For older kids, maintaining an excel sheet can be the way to go.

    What is the first step you should take when talking to your parents about money? ›

    Conversation Starter #1: Use a Direct Approach

    Simply let them know you would like to find out some information about their finances to give you peace of mind. You don't necessarily have to ask them to tell you everything at once.

    How many parents talk to their kids about money? ›

    There is some evidence that barriers inside the family are breaking down, even if the money conversation sometimes doesn't go as planned: While 73% of parents say they talk regularly with their kids about spending and saving, just 61% of kids agree, fund company T. Rowe Price found.

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