16 questions to expect when getting car insurance quotes | Insurance.com (2024)

1. What's the address where the vehicle is kept?

This question typically kicks off a car insurance quote. It's the first thing any insurance company needs to know.

Why they ask:Where you live has a big impact on insurance rates.

If you live in a metropolitan area, you'll normally pay more than someone who lives in a suburban or country setting. Insurers look at the number and severity of auto insurance claims in an area to calculate base rates. Cities typically have more traffic congestion and crime, which means more claims.

2. What is the year, make and model of your car?

You will need to know the vehicle's year, make and model, and trim level. You don't need the vehicle identification number (VIN) to get quotes, but it does make things easier, and it's required to buy the policy.

Why they ask:An insurer considers a vehicle’s claims history and repair costs when determining rates because some vehicles are a higher risk than others. The value of your car also matters. You can expect a luxury SUV to cost more to insure than an economy car because it would cost much more to replace.

This part isn’t about you – it’s about the risk factors associated with that particular vehicle.

3. How many drivers are in your household?

Give the number, and then be prepared to list all household licensed drivers.

Why they ask:Insurers assume all licensed household members will drive the insured vehicles, thus, it requires you to share who these individuals are so they – and their driving records -- can be taken into account when rates are calculated.

4. What is the primary use of your vehicle?

Be ready to say how you use your vehicle, such as:

  • Commuting to and from work or school
  • Pleasure
  • Business
  • Farm

Why they ask:If you're driving your car many miles every day for business, that is a different type of risk for an insurer than a car that sits in a parking lot at work or a pleasure car that sits in the garage most of the time.

5. How many miles do you drive each year?

You should have a fair estimate of how many miles you put on your vehicle annually. If you aren’t certain, try to calculate your weekly mileage and multiply by 52.

Why they ask:The more time you spend on the road each year, the more risk you present to an insurer. Average mileage varies, but with most insurers, it’s 10,000 to 12,000 annually. Discounts are often offered if you drive fewer miles, especially less than 7,000. Your rates will be higher if you drive many more miles than the average driver.

6. Does your car have an anti-theft device?

Knowing that you have an anti-theft device isn’t enough; you must know what type it is and if it’s active (you must arm it) or passive (arms automatically). Check out your vehicle’s manual if you’re uncertain.

Why they ask:You can get a discount on comprehensive coverage for having an anti-theft device. How much of a discount depends on what the device does. If the device can help track your car if it’s stolen, it’s worth a bigger discount than a simple audible alarm. Devices that work without you having to activate them – “passive” devices such as an engine immobilizer – get you a bigger discount than “active” devices that require installing a steering wheel lock or arm an alarm whenever you leave the car.

7. Is there a loan or a lease on the car?

Your insurance company needs to know if you own your car outright or if it's financed or leased.

Why they ask:It doesn’t make a difference in your rates, but it can determine what coverages and limits you need.

You will be required to buy collision and comprehensive coverage if you have financed or leased your vehicle. If you lease, many insurers will only offer you higher liability limits of 100/300/50 (or more) because that is what leasing companies require.

If you own your car outright, you can buy only the legally required coverages if you want to. If you have a loan or lease, the insurance company will need to list the company on the policy and provide them with proof of insurance.

8. What is the status of your license?

There are a few different types of licenses and statuses, such as:

  • Permit
  • Valid
  • Suspended
  • Revoked
  • Expired
  • Foreign license

The insurance company needs to know the status of all drivers.

Why they ask:To get insurance, you need to have a valid license. If you have a permit, suspended or revoked license, it will be harder to obtain a policy because not all insurers offer policies to new drivers (permit holders) or those whose current license status doesn’t allow them to drive. Foreign licensed drivers don't have a verifiable driving record, so they have a harder time finding insurance and pay higher rates. However, permit holders can be added to a policy with another fully licensed driver, such as a teen.

9. What is your marital status?

Select from married, single, divorced or widowed.

Why they ask:Married couples get a discount that individuals do not. Statistics have shown car insurance companies that married drivers are safer drivers.

10. What is your occupation?

Choose the job title that is closest to your current occupation from the list provided.

Why they ask:Insurance companies are all about risk. Data have shown that some jobs are correlated with fewer claims, which results in a discount. Educators, scientists and military members tend to get offered such discounts.

11. What is the highest level of education you’ve completed?

Select from a high school degree, vocational school training or any type of college degree (associate's to master's or beyond).

Why they ask:If you went to college and obtained a bachelor’s degree or above, a discount may come your way.

12. Do you or any other drivers in the household have any violations on your record?

The “look back” period for violations can be three to seven years. If you buy a policy, the insurance company will obtain a copy of your motor vehicle record. But for quoting purposes, it will rely on what you say.

Why they ask:Your driving record is one of insurance companies' most important rating factors. It’s a great indicator of the risk you pose as a driver. The more violations you’ve had, the higher the rates. The more recent the violation, the greater the perceived risk.

Conversely, having a clean driving record will give you a good driver discount with most car insurance companies.

13. Do you or any other drivers in the household have any accidents or claims on your record?

If you’ve had an accident, insurers want to know all about it -- the date and type of accident, whether a claim was paid, and, if so, how much was paid out for the claim.

Why they ask:Accidents again show the risk posed. Some accidents or claims may not affect your rates, such as damage that was caused by hail or hitting a deer. However, if there are multiple claims or accidents, even if you weren’t at fault for any of them, it shows a pattern that can raise your rates.

14. Do you own or rent your home?

Let the insurance company know if you own your home, rent, or if you have some other living situation, such as living with family or in a college dorm.

Why they ask:You may get lower rates if you’re a homeowner. Again, statistics show that homeowners tend to file fewer claims. The company may also offer to quote home or renters insurance for you to see if a bundling discount is available.

15. Are you currently insured?

If you're currently covered, say yes. If you’re looking for your first policy or to get a new policy after a gap in coverage, say no.

Why they ask:Insurers like drivers who have been continuously covered by insurance. If you have a gap in coverage that may raise your rates – or even keep some insurers from offering you a policy.

16. What coverages do you want on your policy?

If you want the same coverages, limits and deductibles as your present policy, have it handy to get the same coverage levels. You may want to discuss changing your coverage with an agent or representative to ensure you're not underinsured.

Why they ask:You can’t get a quote for car insurance unless the insurer knows what coverages, limits and deductibles you want to purchase.

Don’t just tell the insurer what you think it wants to hear.

Inaccurate information may help you get a better rate quote, but once inaccurate information is exposed -- and it will be during the underwriting process – your quote will no longer apply.

An insurance company can decide to decline to offer you a policy at all – which is likely if you failed to mention something big like a DUI – or change your rate. If the insurer has already issued the policy, it can ask for an additional premium to be paid to keep the policy intact, or it will cancel it.

If something is hiking up your rates, remember that every insurance company prices risk differently. It’s the whole point of shopping around.

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16 questions to expect when getting car insurance quotes | Insurance.com (2024)


What are 4 factors of getting a quote in car insurance? ›

Some factors that may affect your auto insurance premiums are your car, your driving habits, demographic factors and the coverages, limits and deductibles you choose. These factors may include things such as your age, anti-theft features in your car and your driving record.

What questions does an insurance company ask? ›

Common Questions Insurance Companies Always Ask
  • Who was involved in the accident?
  • Was anyone else in the vehicle?
  • Who was in the other vehicle?
  • What led to the accident?
  • What happened, and why?
  • When did the accident occur?
  • Where did the accident occur?
  • Where were you going?

What information do insurance companies need when quoting you a price for an automobile policy? ›

To provide you with an auto insurance quote, the agent will likely also ask for the following: Personal information. This may include the dates of birth, Social Security numbers and driver's license numbers for each family member who will be on the policy. Driving history.

How does getting an insurance quote work? ›

You'll need to supply information about yourself and your car, and the insurance company will check your driving record. Quotes take into account risk factors reflected in your claims history, annual mileage driven, driving experience, coverages, and driving record, among other things.

What are 3 factors that lower your cost for car insurance? ›

What factors affect car insurance rates?
  • Driving record. Drivers with clean motor vehicle records and no at-fault accidents typically get the cheapest car insurance. ...
  • Prior insurance. ...
  • Credit history. ...
  • Location. ...
  • Age and gender. ...
  • Vehicle.
Jan 25, 2024

What top 6 factors influence the cost of your auto insurance? ›

What factors are most important for car insurance rates?
  • Age. Age is a very significant rating factor, especially for young drivers. ...
  • Driving history. This rating factor is straightforward. ...
  • Credit score. ...
  • Years of driving experience. ...
  • Location. ...
  • Gender. ...
  • Insurance history. ...
  • Annual mileage.

What is the leading question in insurance? ›

For example, if you wanted clients to sign up for an insurance plan, you could craft a leading question like: “When would you like to sign up for our insurance plan?” The aforementioned question subtly prompts the client to decide on the insurance plan, which would most likely be in your favor.

What are the five 5 things to know before getting insurance? ›

Here are the five key things you need to know:
  • Importance of Insurance. Understanding the fundamental role of insurance sets the stage for informed decision-making. ...
  • Types of Insurance. ...
  • Determining Coverage Requirements. ...
  • Researching Insurance Providers. ...
  • Policy Inclusions and Exclusions.
Jan 25, 2024

What does 100 300 100 mean on your car insurance policy? ›

So, in a 100/300/100 policy, you would have $100,000 coverage per person, $300,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident, and $100,000 in property damage coverage per accident. Bodily injury liability coverage pays for the medical expenses of the other driver and passengers if you cause an accident.

Is it worth shopping around for car insurance? ›

If you're looking to lower your costs, it's worth shopping around for new car insurance quotes to see if there are better options available. In addition to low prices, consider top companies that offer strong customer service ratings, financial strength ratings and low complaint indexes.

What will determine the cost of insurance coverage? ›

A vehicle's make, model, year, value and potential repair costs are all considered when an insurer sets a rate for your car insurance policy. Safety features including car alarms, number of airbags, collision avoidance technology and how well your vehicle protects occupants in a collision may also be considered.

Should I call for an insurance quote? ›

It is a huge benefit for you to speak to an agent. Why? Insurance companies do not want you to make a purchasing decision without understanding how your insurance policy is built and how it benefits you. Companies like us are client focused.

Do insurance quotes run your credit? ›

Insurance quotes do not affect credit scores. Even though insurance companies check your credit during the quote process, they use a type of inquiry called a soft pull that does not show up to lenders. You can get as many inquiries as you want without negative consequences to your credit score.

Are insurance quotes based on credit score? ›

Most U.S. insurance companies use credit-based insurance scores along with your driving history, claims history and many other factors to establish eligibility for payment plans and to help determine insurance rates.

How many insurance quotes should I get? ›

Get at least three car insurance quotes online or from an agent so you can evaluate whether you're getting a good price with your current insurance for the coverage you want. Understand coverage limits. When comparing quotes, check that each policy has comparable liability limits and deductibles.

What are the four elements of insurance? ›

There are four necessary elements to comprise a legally binding contract: (1) Offer and acceptance, (2) consideration, (3) legal purpose, and (4) competent parties. The effective date of a policy is the date the insurer accepts an offer by the applicant "as written."

What are the 4 most common insurance? ›

Most experts agree that life, health, long-term disability, and auto insurance are the four types of insurance you must have.

What are five factors that affect auto insurance rates? ›

5 Factors That May Impact Your Car Insurance Rate
  • Factor #1: Make & Model of Your Car. The type of car you drive can have an impact on how much you're required to pay for coverage. ...
  • Factor #2: Zip Code. ...
  • Factor #3: Your Car's Age. ...
  • Factor #4: Your Driving Record. ...
  • Factor #5: Marital Status & New Drivers.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.