A top Coinbase exec explains the master plan to turn the $1.6 billion cryptocurrency exchange into the next Google (2024)

  • Business Insider checked in with Dan Romero, VP and general manager at Coinbase, to find out what it's like trying to grow and scale one of the hottest startups in tech.
  • Coinbase, a cryptocurrency exchange, saw $1 billion in revenue last year as bitcoin surged in popularity and nearly hit $20,000 in value.
  • Now Romero is tasked with building an organization and product that is suited to handle wild consumer demand. That includes implementing technologies like SegWit, a sometimes-controversial technology that aims to improve bitcoin.
  • Romero downplayed rumors that Coinbase is seeking a CFO ahead of a prospective IPO, saying instead that he's focused on building a company that could do for cryptocurrency what Google did for search.

Coinbase is one of the hottest startups in tech — and with good reason. The cryptocurrency exchange hit $1 billion in annual revenue as this year's bitcoin mania sent the popular digital coin surging up to almost $20,000, before it came back down.

With a reported 10 million customers served on the platform, Coinbase is far and away the most popular exchange in the US. And investors have noticed, giving the six-year-old startup $100 million in capital at a $1.6 billion valuation in a funding round last August.

But popularity comes at a price, and Coinbase has stumbled through the difficult of scaling from a niche product to a real, sustainable business.It was under these circ*mstances that Dan Romero, a four-year veteran of Coinbase, took on the role of general manager and vice president of the company in January.

Romero, who previously ran the startup's business development, is now in charge of growing and scaling both the engineering and product side of Coinbase, as well as its internal operations.Or, in Romero's own words — "the overall customer experience, that's what I wake up every day and focus on," he tells Business Insider.


In conversation with Business Insider, Romero downplayed a recent Recode report that the company was hiring a CFO to go public — but didn't deny it, either. In a bigger-picture sense, Romero says that Coinbase is trying to build a company that could do for cryptocurrency what Google did for search.

Below, find our conversation with Romero, touching on everything from upstart cryptocurrency exchange rivals like Robinhood, to the sometimes-controversial SegWit technology that could improve bitcoin, to the future of Coinbase itself.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

With competition growing, Romero says Coinbase is focusing on the mission

Becky Peterson:The competition seems to be growing, with a lot of companies launching cryptocurrency exchanges. How do you define yourself and see the positioning of Coinbase in the long-term compared to other companies in the space?


Dan Romero:We are a first mover in the space in terms of building a consumer friendly brand.We are enabling individuals to be able to get into the ecosystem and be able to experiment with digital currency.

We've had a lot of challenges around with scaling. We've had a lot of customers come on to the platform in the last year and we're doing everything in our power to make sure we're giving them a great customer experience. It's not where it needs to be today. I think hopefully soon we'll have made significant improvements there.

But I think if we shift to long-term, Coinbase is going to be 100% focused on cryptocurrency. Our mission is to build an open financial system for the world. We're not interested in equities or options trading or any of the other kind of traditional financial system products.

We're a neutral platform that is focused on bringing digital currencies to the world more broadly, and not picking favorites or following a political path.

We're focused on digital currency. Where we will be successful is if customers fundamentally think of us as "the crypto company." That is our focus. So with other folks coming into the market, it's validation that cryptocurrency is more mainstream. But we fundamentally don't view cryptocurrency as a feature. It's our business.


If you look at a couple of the more recent entrants into the market, they don't allow you to send and receive digital currency, or they make you jump through significant hoops to do that. And I think that is antithetical to the idea of cryptocurrency to begin with.

It's fundamentally something to be used, and you can move it around just like you can more your own files around. So the fact that a service would come in and let you speculate on price but not actually use currencies — in some ways that's actually concerning to me.

Peterson:What do you mean? The fact that Coinbase offers payment features and things like that?

Romero:Yeah, but I think a great example, there is a competitor that's rolling out today, where if you go to their help section, they don't allow you to send digital currencies to them, and in order to access withdrawals you have to go through multiple hoops and it may take you a week to do that.

Peterson:Are you talking about Robinhood?

Romero:Yeah, I think they're launching today.

Coinbase may be hiring a new CFO to take the company public

Peterson: Back to the business side of things — this week Recode reported that Coinbase is looking for a new chief financial officer to help take the company public. Is that true?

Romero:We are hiring a bunch of different executives at the company. It's part of the scaling effort. We have a CFO right now. We may or may not be looking for a CFO. But I think the broader story here is that we're trying to scale the company because we're looking to build a lasting company in the space.


We may or may not be looking for a CFO. But I think the broader story here is that we're trying to scale the company because we're looking to build a lasting company in the space.

Peterson:In the case that Coinbase does go public, how do you convince investors that this company has a future?

Romero:I think our view is that this is similar to the beginning of the internet. So we're trying to build a Google-like company for the cryptocurrency space. Things like SegWit are a good example, where we need to ensure that we have the latest and greatest in terms of cryptocurrency. That's how we're going to be the cryptocurrency company, that if we do go public at some point in the future, we'll have that narrative.

So we will be focused on that as a business, rather than a feature. We think a lot of the developer interest we've seen grow in 2017 is validation of the fact that this is something that will have staying power, rather than a flash in the pan.

Peterson:When it comes to new technology like SegWit — how do you perceive the role of Bitcoin Core and the open source foundations behind the cryptocurrencies on your platform? Do you think those foundations will lead innovation on crypto or do you see Coinbase doing R&D?


Romero:We are actually trying to increase the amount of contributions we're making at the core protocol level. We have a significant amount of talent that we're trying to hire for, for engineers that would only be working on protocols. So no direct benefit to Coinbase, they would be doing open source development on protocols like bitcoin and ethereum.

We have an engineer right now who's working on the Lightning Network. We view this as both beneficial to Coinbase in the long-term because it makes digital currencies more scalable and more accessible for more people. But at the same time, it's us giving back. Because we're obviously a business that benefits from the open source protocols that exist.

I think you'll see us continue to hire more people whose sole responsibility will be to work with core developers in multiple digital currency protocols and try to help accomplish roadmaps that those communities have set out.

The company will double headcount to around 500 people this year

A top Coinbase exec explains the master plan to turn the $1.6 billion cryptocurrency exchange into the next Google (1)

Peterson:Do you have a headcount or hiring numbers for 2018?


Romero:We're effectively doubling the numbers in terms of headcount, from roughly 250 to 500. We wish we could hire faster but it's very hard to hire in San Francisco, New York and London.

Peterson:Do you have to do a lot of training or are you mostly hiring people who have experience in crypto?

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Romero:It's pretty hard to find people with experience in crypto specifically. We've found that a lot of engineers at more traditional software companies are getting pretty interested in cryptocurrency and that those folks are coming into Coinbase and learning on the job.

If you're a senior software engineer and you've worked with distributed system or just hard computer science type problems, this is stuff that you can pick up pretty quickly once its your full-time job.


Peterson: Is it the same when it comes to hiring executives? You just hired Tina Bhatnagar, who was previously atTwitter.

Romero:Cryptocurrency hasn't been around for a long enough period of time, so to hire an executive who can scale a support operation, who also has cryptocurrency experience —I'm not sure that they exist.

Tina's a great example. She was dealing with an order of magnitude larger scale support organization, and having her skill set come in — maybe she's earlier on the digital currency learning curve, but that's a sweet spot for us. She's quickly picking it up on the job, and is clearly a talent person.

But the nice thing is that she's seen the movie before, in terms of scaling a support organization, so she's able to hit the ground running.


In the last month and a half she's done more in some ways than we were able to do before. So it's really great to bring in experienced folks on a variety of different functions.

Peterson:Are there any more updates on the roadmap, in terms of major technical changes like SegWit?

Romero:Nothing specific. At a high level, we're focused on providing customers what they want and what customers continually tell us is that they want high reliability during peak times,. So we're continuing to focus on the scaling of the core infrastructure. I think the other big area for customers is wanting to add new assets.

We're going to be slow to do that. We're going to carefully evaluate any new assets we add to the platform, first and foremost from a security angle to make sure we're not adding assets that potentially have a security vulnerability.


We are never going to be the brand that adds every asset under the sun first. For us it's about being the most trusted.

CoinBase is betting on SegWit, a technology to improve bitcoin

Peterson: Coinbase announced this week that it's rolling out support for SegWit, a software upgrade for bitcoin. How did the update process go? I understand you were testing it for a while.

Romero:If you look at social media over the last couple of months you have a lot of feedback saying, "Why hasn't Coinbase implemented SegWit? It took this team two days to update this product. Why can't Coinbase, with all the money and engineers they have, do it in just as quick of a time?"

It's a little underestimating the scale that we're operating at.


We're holding billions of dollars in customer digital currency. Any change we make to that core business structure has to be thoroughly tested both from the implementation, to make sure it's working, standpoint, but also some serious security considerations.

We're a very much a measure twice, cut once culture —and in some cases maybe it's measure three times and cut once.

We're a very much a measure twice, cut once culture —and in some cases maybe it's measure three times and cut once.

But the upgrade for SegWit was challenging for a couple of reasons. A primary reason is that we have our own proprietary implementation of bitcoin, in terms of the node software we run.

Because we operate at a pretty large scale, we need something that can run for all of the transactions and customers that we're dealing with, but separately that also provides additional security benefits to us.


So when we have an upgrade like this, we have to actually take it and re-implement it ourselves in some capacity. So I think that is going to inevitably makes it a little slower to make changes. But when we do, you'll know that we've been really thoughtful about doing that.

So I think at a high level, it's something we've been tracking. And it took us a while to get done but we're quite pleased that it's finally ready to go and it's going to be rolling out to customers in the next few days.

Peterson:Besides the impact this will have on the greater bitcoin network, how will SegWit affect Coinbase customers?

Romero:The fees aren't determined by Coinbase as much as the network. It's a marketplace. You can only have so many transactions in a given block and if there are a lot of transactions on the network at any given moment, then the fees will naturally increase.


So what SegWit does is it allows more transactions to be in the network at any given time. And given how big Coinbase is relative to the network, it means that we aren't consuming any more of the network for customer transactions than we need to be. So we're technically making our infrastructure as efficient as we can.

You'll see on Reddit and Twitter, people will say, "Okay, SegWit, great. What about transaction batching?" That's something I think we're going to be considering as well. It's all about prioritization, and for us bitcoin is an area that we're continuing to invest in.

Peterson:What's transaction batching?

Romero:It's just another technique to efficiently process transactions. It's not an upgrade so much as a best practice when you're at scale.


SegWit is a first step in terms of improving the efficiency of our bitcoin infrastructure, and we view it as a benefit for our customers as well as the bitcoin network and community at large that we're updated with the latest and greatest.

Romero says SegWit is about customers, not bitcoin politics

Peterson:Critics of Coinbase have suggested that the company was against SegWit at some point because you were in support of a different upgrade to bitcoin altogether.

Romero: That is unequivocally false.We always try to do right by our customers.

What it is, is that ultimately we hold a lot of bitcoin on behalf of customers. Those customers, in the case of a fork, want access to those coins, especially if the fork is going to have more of a legitimate developer community behind it.


We need to make sure that we're keeping that bitcoin safe, and in the event that there are situations like forks where customers potentially have two different assets, we should let customers choose what to do with those assets.

There is a group of people in the world who think that Coinbase should have one very clear political stance, and I think that's just not where we are at this point.

We're a neutral platform that is focused on bringing digital currencies to the world more broadly, and not picking favorites or following a political path.

A top Coinbase exec explains the master plan to turn the $1.6 billion cryptocurrency exchange into the next Google (2024)


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Markets are searching for catalysts post halving to sustain the 1Q24 rally. Near term hawkish conditions have driven recent narratives, though long term positioning remains optimistic. The next Bitcoin halving (mid-April 2024) will cut in half the amount of bitcoin awarded to miners for validating transactions.

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Coinbase Global turned a quarterly profit for the first time in two years, lifted by rising crypto prices and higher interest income earned on its stablecoin.

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Coinbase is a secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing cryptocurrency (crypto).

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Unsurprisingly, 2024 has also proved to be very, very good for the industry's flagship company, Coinbase, whose stock is up nearly 70% this year to around $265, and has attracted the acclaim of JPMorgan analysts.

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Coinbase stock price stood at $203.93

According to the latest long-term forecast, Coinbase price will hit $300 by the middle of 2025 and then $350 by the end of 2026. Coinbase will rise to $400 within the year of 2027, $500 in 2028, $600 in 2032 and $700 in 2035.

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Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN), one of the largest brokerage and exchange operators in the industry, has benefited tremendously. The cryptocurrency enterprise reported revenue growth of 50% in the most recent quarter (Q4 2023 ended Dec. 31), as trading volumes picked up amid market enthusiasm.

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Because it is US-based, publicly-traded, and is on the cutting edge of crypto security solutions, Coinbase consistently ranks as the safest crypto exchange in the world. That's why it's trusted by more than 100 million crypto investors.

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The ownership structure of Coinbase Global (COIN) stock is a mix of institutional, retail and individual investors. Approximately 29.66% of the company's stock is owned by Institutional Investors, 10.30% is owned by Insiders and 60.04% is owned by Public Companies and Individual Investors.

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High fees compared to competitors: Many reviewers believe that Coinbase charges relatively high fees when compared to other platforms in the industry. Users express dissatisfaction with these fees, especially considering that they are imposed on top of the fees already charged by crypto networks.

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Coinbase has excellent security measures to ensure its users' funds are safe. However, we recommend moving your crypto assets off any exchange into a self-custodial hardware wallet.

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Binance stands out for lower fees than Coinbase, providing a cost-effective option for traders. If minimizing transaction costs is a priority, Binance offers competitive fee structures.

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By the end of 2025, the Coinbase stock price may hit $445. The projection is based on the current higher-high momentum and Fibonacci retracement.

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More than half of the experts Finder surveyed expected the price to increase after a so-called "BTC halving event" in April 2024.

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Here are the cryptocurrency statistics in 2024. Bitcoin surged past the $45,000 threshold on Jan. 2, 2024, for the first time since Apr. 2022. The cryptocurrency market is forecasted to reach $343.5 million in 2024, with an estimated annual growth rate of 7.99%, leading to a projected total of $467.2 million by 2028.

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Coinbase Stock Forecast

The 22 analysts with 12-month price forecasts for Coinbase stock have an average target of 183.45, with a low estimate of 43 and a high estimate of 325. The average target predicts a decrease of -10.04% from the current stock price of 203.93.

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