Astral v3.0 — Astral 3.0 documentation (2024)

Astral v3.0 — Astral 3.0 documentation (2) Astral v3.0 — Astral 3.0 documentation (3)

Astral is a python package for calculating the times of various aspects ofthe sun and moon.

It can calculate the following

The time in the morning when the sun is a specific number of degreesbelow the horizon.
The time in the morning when the top of the sun breaks the horizon(assuming a location with no obscuring features.)
The time when the sun is at its highest point directly above the observer.
The time when the sun is at its lowest point.
The time in the evening when the sun is about to disappear below thehorizon (asuming a location with no obscuring features.)
The time in the evening when the sun is a specific number of degreesbelow the horizon.
The time when the sun is up i.e. between sunrise and sunset
The time between astronomical dusk of one day and astronomical dawn of thenext
The time between dawn and sunrise or between sunset and dusk
The Golden Hour
The time when the sun is between 4 degrees below the horizon and 6 degreesabove.
The Blue Hour
The time when the sun is between 6 and 4 degrees below the horizon.
Time At Elevation
the time when the sun is at a specific elevation for either a rising or asetting sun.
Solar Azimuth
The number of degrees clockwise from North at which the sun can be seen
Solar Zenith
The angle of the sun down from directly above the observer
Solar Elevation
The number of degrees up from the horizon at which the sun can be seen
“Rahukaalam or the period of Rahu is a certain amount of time every daythat is considered inauspicious for any new venture according to IndianVedic astrology”.
Moonrise and Moonset
Like the Sun but for the moon
Moon Azimuth and Zenith
Also like the Sun but for the moon
Moon Phase
The phase of the moon for a specified date.

Astral also comes with a geocoder containing a local database that allows youto look up information for a small set of locations (new locations can beadded).

The following examples demonstrates some of the functionality available in themodule


from astral import LocationInfocity = LocationInfo("London", "England", "Europe/London", 51.5, -0.116)print(( f"Information for {}/{city.region}\n" f"Timezone: {city.timezone}\n" f"Latitude: {city.latitude:.02f}; Longitude: {city.longitude:.02f}\n"))
Information for London/EnglandTimezone: Europe/LondonLatitude: 51.50; Longitude: -0.12
import datetimefrom astral.sun import suns = sun(,, 4, 22))print(( f'Dawn: {s["dawn"]}\n' f'Sunrise: {s["sunrise"]}\n' f'Noon: {s["noon"]}\n' f'Sunset: {s["sunset"]}\n' f'Dusk: {s["dusk"]}\n'))
Dawn: 2009-04-22 04:13:04.997608+00:00Sunrise: 2009-04-22 04:50:17.127004+00:00Noon: 2009-04-22 11:59:02+00:00Sunset: 2009-04-22 19:08:41.711407+00:00Dusk: 2009-04-22 19:46:06.423846+00:00


The example above calculates the times of the sun in the UTC timezone.If you want to return times in a different timezone you can pass thetzinfo parameter to the function.

>>> city = LocationInfo("London", "England", "Europe/London", 51.5, -0.116)>>> london = Location(city)>>> s = sun(,, 4, 22), tzinfo=london.timezone)


>>> timezone = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo("Europe/London")>>> s = sun(,, 4, 22), tzinfo=timezone)


The moon rise/set times can be obtained like the sun’s functions

from astral import LocationInfocity = LocationInfo("London", "England", "Europe/London", 51.5, -0.116)import datetimefrom astral.moon import moonrisefrom astral.location import Locationdt =, 10, 28)london = Location(city)rise = moonrise(, dt) # returns a UTC timeprint(rise)
2021-10-28 22:02:00+00:00

And for a local time

rise = moonrise(, dt, city.tzinfo)


import datetimefrom astral import moonphase = moon.phase(, 1, 1))print(phase)

The moon phase method returns an number describing the phase, where the valueis between 0 and 27.99. The following lists the mapping of various values tothe description of the phase of the moon.

0 .. 6.99New moon
7 .. 13.99First quarter
14 .. 20.99Full moon
21 .. 27.99Last quarter

If for example the number returned was 27.99 then the moon would be almost atthe New Moon phase, and if it was 24.00 it would be half way between the LastQuarter and a New Moon.


The moon phase does not depend on your location. However what the moonactually looks like to you does depend on your location. If you’re in thesouthern hemisphere it looks different than if you were in the northernhemisphere.

See for an example.

For an example of using this library to generate moon phases including thenames in various languages and the correct Unicode glyphs see theproject by PanderMusubion Github.


>>> from astral.geocoder import database, lookup>>> lookup("London", database())LocationInfo(name='London', region='England', timezone='Europe/London', latitude=51.473333333333336, longitude=-0.0008333333333333334)


Location elevations have been removed from the database. These were addeddue to a misunderstanding of the affect of elevation on the times of thesun. These are not required for the calculations, only the elevation of theobserver above/below the location is needed.

See Effect of Elevation below.

Custom Location

If you only need a single location that is not in the database then you canconstruct a LocationInfo and fill in the values, either oninitialization

from astral import LocationInfol = LocationInfo('name', 'region', 'timezone/name', 0.1, 1.2)

or set the attributes after initialization:

from astral import LocationInfol = LocationInfo() = 'name'l.region = 'region'l.timezone = 'US/Central'l.latitude = 0.1l.longitude = 1.2


name and region can be anything you like.

Additional Locations

You can add to the list of available locations using theadd_locations() function and passing either a stringwith one line per location or by passing a list containing strings, lists ortuples (lists and tuples are passed directly to the LocationInfo constructor).

>>> from astral.geocoder import add_locations, database, lookup>>> db = database()>>> try:...  lookup("Somewhere", db)... except KeyError:...  print("Somewhere not found")...Somewhere not found>>> add_locations("Somewhere,Secret Location,UTC,24°28'N,39°36'E", db)>>> lookup("Somewhere", db)LocationInfo(name='Somewhere', region='Secret Location', timezone='UTC', latitude=24.466666666666665, longitude=39.6)

Timezone Groups

Timezone groups such as Europe can be accessed via the group() functionin the geocoder module

from astral.geocoder import group, databasedb = database()europe = group("europe", db)print(sorted(europe.keys())[:4])
['aberdeen', 'amsterdam', 'andorra_la_vella', 'ankara']

Times Of The Sun

The times of the sun that you experience depend on what obscurs your view ofit. It may either be obscured by the horizon or some other geographicalfeature (e.g. mountains)

  1. If what obscures you at ground level is the horizon and you are at aelevation above ground level then the times of the sun depends on how farfurther round the earth you can see due to your elevation (the sun risesearlier and sets later).

    The extra angle you can see round the earth is determined by calculating theangle α in the image below based on your elevation above ground level,and adding this to the depression angle for the sun calculations.

    Astral v3.0 — Astral 3.0 documentation (4)
  2. If your view is obscured by some other geographical feature than thehorizon, then the adjustment angle is based on how far you are above orbelow the feature and your distance to it.

For the first case i.e. obscured by the horizon you need to pass a single floatto the Observer as its elevation. For the second case pass a tuple of 2floats. The first being the vertical distance to the top of the feature andthe second the horizontal distance to the feature.

Elevation Of The Sun

Even though an observer’s elevation can significantly affect the times of thesun the same is not true for the elevation angle from the observer to the sun.

As an example the diagram below shows the difference in angle between anobserver at ground level and one on the ISS orbiting 408 km above the earth.

Astral v3.0 — Astral 3.0 documentation (5)

The largest difference between the two angles is when the angle at groundlevel is 1 degree. The difference then is approximately 0.15 degrees.

At the summit of mount Everest (8,848 m) the maximum difference is0.00338821 degrees.

Due to the very small difference the astral package does not currently adjustthe solar elevation for changes in observer elevation.

When viewing the sun the position you see it at is different from its actualposition due to the effect of atmospheric refraction whichmakes the sun appear to be higher in the sky. The calculations in thepackage take this refraction into account.

The sunrise() and sunset() functionsuse the refraction at an angle when the sun is half of its apparent diameterbelow the horizon. This is between about 30 and 32 arcminutes and for theastral package a value of 32” is used.


The refraction calculation does not take into accounttemperature and pressure which can affect the angle of refraction.

This module is licensed under the terms of the Apache V2.0 license.

To install Astral you should use the pip tool:

pip3 install astral


Now that we are Python 3 only and pip provides a versioned executable onWindows you should use the pip3 command on all operating systemsto ensure you are targetting the right Python version.

The module includes location and time zone data for the following cities.The list includes all capital cities plus some from the UK. The list alsoincludes the US state capitals and some other US cities.

Aberdeen, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, Abuja, Accra, Addis Ababa, Adelaide, Al Jubail,Albany, Albuquerque, Algiers, Amman, Amsterdam, Anchorage, Andorra la Vella,Ankara, Annapolis, Antananarivo, Apia, Ashgabat, Asmara, Astana, Asuncion,Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Austin, Avarua, Baghdad, Baku, Baltimore, Bamako,Bandar Seri Begawan, Bangkok, Bangui, Banjul, Barrow-In-Furness, Basse-Terre,Basseterre, Baton Rouge, Beijing, Beirut, Belfast, Belgrade, Belmopan, Berlin,Bern, Billings, Birmingham, Birmingham, Bishkek, Bismarck, Bissau,Bloemfontein, Bogota, Boise, Bolton, Boston, Bradford, Brasilia, Bratislava,Brazzaville, Bridgeport, Bridgetown, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Bucharest,Bucuresti, Budapest, Buenos Aires, Buffalo, Bujumbura, Burlington, Cairo,Canberra, Cape Town, Caracas, Cardiff, Carson City, Castries, Cayenne,Charleston, Charlotte, Charlotte Amalie, Cheyenne, Chicago, Chisinau,Cleveland, Columbia, Columbus, Conakry, Concord, Copenhagen, Cotonou, Crawley,Dakar, Dallas, Damascus, Dammam, Denver, Des Moines, Detroit, Dhaka, Dili,Djibouti, Dodoma, Doha, Douglas, Dover, Dublin, Dushanbe, Edinburgh, El Aaiun,Fargo, Fort-de-France, Frankfort, Freetown, Funafuti, Gaborone, George Town,Georgetown, Gibraltar, Glasgow, Greenwich, Guatemala, Hanoi, Harare,Harrisburg, Hartford, Havana, Helena, Helsinki, Hobart, Hong Kong, Honiara,Honolulu, Houston, Indianapolis, Islamabad, Jackson, Jacksonville, Jakarta,Jefferson City, Jerusalem, Juba, Jubail, Juneau, Kabul, Kampala, Kansas City,Kathmandu, Khartoum, Kiev, Kigali, Kingston, Kingston, Kingstown, Kinshasa,Koror, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait, La Paz, Lansing, Las Vegas, Leeds, Leicester,Libreville, Lilongwe, Lima, Lincoln, Lisbon, Little Rock, Liverpool, Ljubljana,Lome, London, Los Angeles, Louisville, Luanda, Lusaka, Luxembourg, Macau,Madinah, Madison, Madrid, Majuro, Makkah, Malabo, Male, Mamoudzou, Managua,Manama, Manchester, Manchester, Manila, Maputo, Maseru, Masqat, Mbabane, Mecca,Medina, Melbourne, Memphis, Mexico, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Minsk,Mogadishu, Monaco, Monrovia, Montevideo, Montgomery, Montpelier, Moroni,Moscow, Moskva, Mumbai, Muscat, N’Djamena, Nairobi, Nashville, Nassau,Naypyidaw, New Delhi, New Orleans, New York, Newark, Newcastle, Newcastle UponTyne, Ngerulmud, Niamey, Nicosia, Norwich, Nouakchott, Noumea, Nuku’alofa,Nuuk, Oklahoma City, Olympia, Omaha, Oranjestad, Orlando, Oslo, Ottawa,Ouagadougou, Oxford, P’yongyang, Pago Pago, Palikir, Panama, Papeete,Paramaribo, Paris, Perth, Philadelphia, Phnom Penh, Phoenix, Pierre, Plymouth,Podgorica, Port Louis, Port Moresby, Port of Spain, Port-Vila, Port-au-Prince,Portland, Portland, Porto-Novo, Portsmouth, Prague, Praia, Pretoria, Pristina,Providence, Quito, Rabat, Raleigh, Reading, Reykjavik, Richmond, Riga, Riyadh,Road Town, Rome, Roseau, Sacramento, Saint Helier, Saint Paul, Saint Pierre,Saipan, Salem, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Juan,San Marino, San Salvador, Sana, Sana’a, Santa Fe, Santiago, Santo Domingo, SaoTome, Sarajevo, Seattle, Seoul, Sheffield, Singapore, Sioux Falls, Skopje,Sofia, Southampton, Springfield, Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte, St. George’s, St.John’s, St. Peter Port, Stanley, Stockholm, Sucre, Suva, Swansea, Swindon,Sydney, T’bilisi, Taipei, Tallahassee, Tallinn, Tarawa, Tashkent, Tbilisi,Tegucigalpa, Tehran, Thimphu, Tirana, Tirane, Tokyo, Toledo, Topeka, Torshavn,Trenton, Tripoli, Tunis, Ulaanbaatar, Ulan Bator, Vaduz, Valletta, Vienna,Vientiane, Vilnius, Virginia Beach, W. Indies, Warsaw, Washington DC,Wellington, Wichita, Willemstad, Wilmington, Windhoek, Wolverhampton,Yamoussoukro, Yangon, Yaounde, Yaren, Yerevan, Zagreb, Zurich

US Cities

Albany, Albuquerque, Anchorage, Annapolis, Atlanta, Augusta, Austin, Baltimore,Baton Rouge, Billings, Birmingham, Bismarck, Boise, Boston, Bridgeport,Buffalo, Burlington, Carson City, Charleston, Charlotte, Cheyenne, Chicago,Cleveland, Columbia, Columbus, Concord, Dallas, Denver, Des Moines, Detroit,Dover, Fargo, Frankfort, Harrisburg, Hartford, Helena, Honolulu, Houston,Indianapolis, Jackson, Jacksonville, Jefferson City, Juneau, Kansas City,Lansing, Las Vegas, Lincoln, Little Rock, Los Angeles, Louisville, Madison,Manchester, Memphis, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Montgomery, Montpelier,Nashville, New Orleans, New York, Newark, Oklahoma City, Olympia, Omaha,Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pierre, Portland, Portland, Providence,Raleigh, Richmond, Sacramento, Saint Paul, Salem, Salt Lake City, San Diego,San Francisco, Santa Fe, Seattle, Sioux Falls, Springfield, Tallahassee,Toledo, Topeka, Trenton, Virginia Beach, Wichita, Wilmington

The sun calculations in this module were adapted, for Python, from thespreadsheets on the following page.

Refraction calculation is taken from

Sun-Pointing Programs and Their Accuracy

John C. Zimmerman Of Sandia National Laboratones

Which cites the following as the original source

In Solar Energy Vol 20 No.5-C

Robert Walraven Of The University Of California, Davis

Moon position calculations from


T. C. Van Flandern and K. F. Pulkkinen

And from

Astronomical Algorithms

Jean Meeus

The moon phase calculation is based on javascript codefrom Sky and Telescope magazine

Moon-phase calculation

Roger W. Sinnott, Sky & Telescope, June 16, 2006.

Also to Sphinx for making doc generation an easy thing (not that the writingof the docs is any easier.)

Simon Kennedy <>


Added moon rise, set, azimuth and zenith functions.

Switched from pytz to zoneinfo provided as part of Python >= 3.9 orbackports.zoneinfo for older versions.

In some circ*mstances the result of the calculation of rise andset times would return information for a diffrerent date. Thishas now been fixed.


Fix for bug #48 - As per the bug report the angle to adjust forthe effect of elevation should have been θ (not α).

The sun functions can now also be passed a timezone name as astring. Previously only a pytz timezone was accepted.

2.1Fix for bug #44 - Incorrectly raised exception when UTC sun timeswere on the day previous to the day asked for. Only manifested fortimezones with a large positive offset.

This is a code refactor as well as an update so it is highly likelythat you will need to adapt your code to suit.

Astral, AstralGeocoder & GoogleGeocoder classes removed

Now only compatible with Python 3.6 and greater due to theuse of data classes

New Observer data class to store a latitude,longitude & elevation

New LocationInfo data class to store a locationname, region, timezone, latitude & longitude

Geocoder functions return a LocationInfo insteadof a Location

All calculations now automatically adjust for refraction.For elevation you can return the true angle by setting thewith_refraction parameter to False.

The solar_noon and solar_midnight functions have been renamed tonoon() and midnight()respectively.

Rahukaalam can now be calculated for night times.

1.10.1Keyword args are now passed to the geocoder class from Astral__init__ in order to allow the Google Maps API key to be passed tothe GoogleGeocoder.
1.10Added support to AstralGeocoder to addadditional locationsto the database. broke the sun_utc method. Sun UTC calculation passed incorrectparameter to more specific methods e.g. sunrise, sunset etc.
1.9.1Correct version number in
1.9Now takes elevation into account.

Location methods now allow the timezone to be None which returns alltimes as UTC.

Added command line interface to return ‘sun’ values

1.7.1Changed GoogleGeocoder test to not use raise…from as this is notvalid for Python 2

Requests is now only needed when using GoogleGeocoder

GoogleGeocoder now requires the api_key parameter to be passed tothe constructor as Google now require it for their API calls.

1.6.1Updates for Travis CI integration / Github signed release.
1.6Added api_key parameter to the GoogleGeocoder __init__()method

Added parameter rtype to moon_phase() to determine thereturn type of the method.

Added example for calculating the phase of the moon.

1.4.1Using versioneer to manage version numbers

Changed to use calculations from NOAA spreadsheets

Changed some exception error messages for when sun does not reacha requested elevation.

Added more tests

1.3.4Changes to project configuration files. No user facing changes.
1.3.3Fixed call to twilight_utc as date and direction parameterswere reversed.

Updated URL to point to

Added Apache 2.0 boilerplate to source file

1.3.1Added LICENSE file to sdist

Corrected solar zenith to return the angle from the vertical.

Added solar midnight calculation.


Added handling for when unicode literals are used. This may possiblyaffect your code if you’re using Python 2 (there are tests for thisbut they may not catch all uses.) (Bug 1588198)

Changed timezone for Phoenix, AZ to America/Phoenix(Bug 1561258)

1.1Added methods to calculate Twilight, the Golden Hour and the BlueHour.

It’s time for a version 1.0

Added examples where the location you want is not in the Astralgeocoder.


Added a method to calculate the date and time when the sun is at aspecific elevation, for either a rising or a setting sun.

Added daylight and night methods to Location and Astral classes.

Rahukaalam methods now return a tuple.


Fix for moon phase calcualtions which were off by 1.

Use pytz.timezone().localize method instead of passing tzinfoparameter to datetime.datetime. See the pytz docs for info


Fix for bug 1417641: solar_elevation() andsolar_azimuth() fail when a naivedatetime object is used.

Added solar_zenith() methods to Astraland Location as analias for solar_elevation()

Added tzinfo as an alias for tz

0.8Fix for bug 1407773: Moon phase calculation changed to removetime zone parameter (tz) as it is not required for the calculation.
0.7.5Fix for bug 1402103: Buenos Aires incorrect timezone
0.7.4Added Canadian cities from Yip Shing Ho
0.7.3Fix for bug 1239387 submitted by Torbjörn Lönnemark
0.7.2Minor bug fix in GoogleGeocoder. location name andregion are now stripped of whitespace
0.7.1Bug fix. Missed a vital return statement in theGoogleGeocoder

Added ability to lookup location information fromGoogle’s mapping APIs (see GoogleGeocoder)

Renamed City class to Location

Renamed CityDB to AstralGeocoder

Added elevations of cities to database and property toobtain elevation from Location class

0.6.2Added various cities to database as per

Docstrings were not updated to match changes to code.

Other minor docstring changes made


Fix for bug 884716 submitted by Martin Heemskerkregarding moon phase calculations

Fixes for bug report 944754 submitted by Hajo Werder

  • Changed co-ordinate system so that eastern longitudesare now positive
  • Added solar_depression property to City class

Changed City to accept unicode name and country.

Moved city information into a database class CityDB

Added attribute access to database for timezone groups


Duplicate city names could not be accessed.

Sun calculations for some cities failed with timesoutside valid ranges.

Fixes for city data.

Added calculation for moon phase.


Changed to Apache V2.0 license.

Fix for bug 555508 submitted by me.

US state capitals and other cities added.

0.2Fix for bug 554041 submitted by Derek_ / John Dimatos
0.1First release
Astral v3.0 — Astral 3.0 documentation (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.