Breaking Barriers: 29 Side Hustles for Disabled Businessmen (2024)



Breaking Barriers: 29 Side Hustles for Disabled Businessmen (1)

By Lindsey Rudy

Published on 7 Jun 2023 11 min read

Breaking Barriers: 29 Side Hustles for Disabled Businessmen (2)

For those with disabilities, taking on a side hustle can be a great way to make extra money and gain independence.

Whether you have physical or mental impairments, there are a variety of jobs that can be done from home or out in the community. With the right tools and resources, disabled individuals can find success in their own unique way.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best side hustles for those with disabilities.

29 Best Side Hustles for the Disabled

Breaking Barriers: 29 Side Hustles for Disabled Businessmen (3)

The following are some disabled-friendly side hustles that you can consider and start promptly:

Freelance Writing

If you can write, consider taking on freelance writing assignments as a way to make money on your own time. Many websites and publications are looking for unique content that is tailored to their audience.

With the right skills and knowledge, you can earn money by writing articles, blog posts, website copy, and more.

Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, you can act as an administrative assistant for businesses and individuals who need assistance with managing their workload.

From answering emails to scheduling appointments, there are a variety of tasks that you can complete from the comfort of your home. Many companies offer flexible hours and pay rates, so this is a great way to start making money without having to leave your house.

If you earn at least $600 through virtual assistance, you will receive a 1099 form. At that point, it is preferable to form an LLC so that you can deduct the cost of equipment and materials used to assist your clients. This will help you achieve financial efficiency.


If you have a degree or teaching experience, consider tutoring as a way to make extra money. You can tutor students in different subjects such as math, English, science, and more from the comfort of your home.

Many online platforms offer tutoring services and often pay decent rates for those who are qualified.

Pet Sitting

Pet sitting is a great way to make money while also doing something you enjoy. If you have a passion for animals, consider offering pet-sitting services in your local area.

You can offer services such as dog walking, feeding, and even overnight stays from the comfort of your home.

Selling Crafts

If you enjoy crafting or making art, selling your handmade products can be a great way to make some extra money. With the right resources and tools, you can create unique pieces that are sold online or at local markets.

From jewelry to pottery, there are a variety of artisan crafts that you can make and sell as a side hustle.


If you have a valid driver’s license, you can make money by driving others around. Companies like Uber and Lyft offer flexible hours and reasonable pay rates for those who are willing to take people to their destinations.

On top of that, you get to meet new people and become familiar with your area.

Online Surveys

Surveys can provide an ideal side gig for someone with limited mobility or other physical limitations, as they require minimal effort and can be completed anytime, anywhere.

The idea behind online surveys is simple – companies want to know what you think about their products and services to improve them.

By taking surveys, you get to give your opinion and make money in the process.

Selling Products Online

For those who have a knack for creating products, consider selling them online as a way to make money. You can sell your handmade creations or partner with companies that offer drop shipping services.

This is an easy way to start your own business without having to invest in inventory. All you need to do is create an online store and promote it on social media platforms.

Data Entry

Those who are comfortable working with computers can make money by doing data entry jobs. This type of job often requires you to input information into a database or spreadsheet, and it is usually completed from home.

With the right skills and equipment, you can earn a decent amount of money as a data entry specialist.

Graphic Design

If design is your thing, consider offering your services as a freelance graphic designer. Many businesses and individuals are in need of someone to create logos, websites, flyers, and more.

With the right skills and resources, you can make money by creating designs that will help businesses reach their goals.


Writing can be a great way to make money as a side gig. If you have an interest in a particular topic, consider starting your blog and monetizing it with ads or affiliate links.

You can even start a podcast or YouTube channel to earn additional income from your writing skills.

Event Planning

Those who are organized and enjoy planning events can make money by offering their services to businesses and organizations.

This is a great way to earn money while using your creativity and problem-solving skills.

Design T-shirts Online

With very few start-up costs and no need for physical labor, this business opportunity can be a great way to supplement income while working on your own terms.

The first step in starting your own t-shirt design business is to create a portfolio of designs that you think will appeal to your target customers.

Once you have some designs ready, you can set up an online store and start selling your t-shirts. You can also look into partnering with a local printing company so that they can handle the production aspect of the business for you.

Become a Tour Guide

If you’re disabled and looking for a side hustle, becoming a tour guide could be an excellent choice.

Tour guides lead visitors on tours of tourist attractions or points of interest, providing detailed information about historical events, architecture, art, geography, and more.

As a tour guide, you can work with tourists from all over the world who are interested in learning more about your area.


Those who have experience in their field can make money by offering their services as a consultant. Depending on the industry, you can charge companies for your expertise and advice.

You can even create an online course or webinar to share your knowledge with others.


If you have a keen eye for detail and know how to spot errors in writing, consider offering proofreading services as a way to make money. Many writers, students, and business owners need someone to review their work for accuracy and clarity.

With the right skills and resources, you can charge clients for your services and make a decent income from home.

Online Courses

If you have expertise in a certain subject or skill, consider creating an online course and selling it to others.

You can create video tutorials, write ebooks, and create audio podcasts that will help others learn the skills you have acquired.

This is a great way to make money from home while helping others learn something new.

Web Development

Are you a tech-savvy individual with an understanding of coding languages? Consider offering your services as a web developer.

Companies are always looking for talented individuals to help them create websites, build apps, and develop software solutions.

With the right skills and resources, you can make money from home while helping others succeed.

Special Education Teacher

As a special education teacher, through classroom instruction and support, you help students with special needs reach their academic goals, while also providing them with the social and emotional support they need to succeed in life.

You must be certified and usually with a bachelor’s degree in special education. However, some states don’t require certification and may offer a pathway to becoming a special education teacher for those with disabilities.

Social Media Management

Those who are comfortable working with social media can make money by managing other people’s accounts. This is an easy way to make money from the comfort of your home. Companies are often willing to pay for someone to handle their social media profiles and post content on their behalf.

If you earn at least $600 through social media management, you will receive a 1099 form. Once this happens, you can establish an LLC so that you can deduct the expenses you have incurred while providing the services to your clients.


If you have a way with words and know how to write persuasive copy, consider offering your services as a copywriter. Companies are often looking for someone to help them create compelling content for their websites, blogs, and other marketing materials.

With the right skills and resources, you can make money from home by crafting compelling copy.

Review Books Online

If you love reading books and discussing them with others, then this might be the perfect job for you.

As an online book reviewer, you can make money by reviewing books for certain websites or publications. You might also be asked to write book reviews and blog posts for authors and publishers.

Teach English Online

Teaching English is one of the most sought-after services in the global market, making it an attractive option for those with disabilities who are looking to make money on the side.

Teaching English online is a great way to make money while having the flexibility and autonomy to work from home.

Self-Publish eBooks

By self-publishing, you can sell your work to an audience without relying on a traditional publisher or having your work accepted by a literary agent.

You also have complete control over the pricing of your book and the profits that you make from it.The process of self-publishing an eBook is relatively simple and requires only a few steps.

Once you have written your book, all you need to do is create an account with a self-publishing platform such as Kindle Direct Publishing or Kobo Writing Life, upload the document, add the cover art and description, and set a price for it.

Then your eBook will be ready for sale.

Affiliate Marketing

With affiliate marketing, you don’t need to invest in creating your products or services and you can promote a wide range of products from multiple vendors.

This means that you have the potential to earn a passive income with minimal effort and expense. You can also choose the products and services that you want to promote, which gives you control over the types of products that your audience will see.

In affiliate marketing, you don’t need to worry about customer service or fulfillment since the vendor handles all of that for you.

Sell Stock Photos Online

Stock images are photographs that can be used for commercial or editorial purposes without the need for obtaining permission from the photographer.

By creating your stock photos and selling them online, you can generate passive income with minimal effort.

eCommerce Business

There are a lot of online businesses that are perfect for disabled entrepreneurs. These businesses cater to people with disabilities by providing them with the products and services they need.

One great eCommerce business that is perfect for disabled entrepreneurs is AbleBazaar.AbleBazaar sells products and services to people with disabilities, as well as their families and caregivers.

They offer a wide variety of items, including furniture, clothing, health and beauty products, medical supplies, adaptive sportswear, and more.

Start a YouTube Channel

Disability can make employment tricky, but it doesn’t have to keep you from being successful. Starting a YouTube channel is an excellent side hustle for disabled people who want to build a business out of their passion and skills.

You can create content on any topic that interests you or market products related to your disability. With the right strategy and dedication, you could turn your channel into a successful business.

Public Speaking Gigs

Public speaking is a great side hustle for disabled individuals as it can be done from the comfort of your home.

With the rise of video conferencing tools like Zoom, Skype, and Google Hangouts, you can hold virtual conferences with clients all over the world.

Public speaking gigs allow you to share your stories and insights with others while also earning some income.

How to Start a Side Hustle as a Disabled in 5 Steps?

Breaking Barriers: 29 Side Hustles for Disabled Businessmen (4)

Starting a side hustle as a disabled person can provide an opportunity for personal fulfillment, financial independence, and flexibility.

Here are five steps to help you get started:

1. Identify Your Skills and Passions

Begin by identifying your skills, knowledge, and passions. Consider your areas of expertise, hobbies, or activities you enjoy that can be transformed into a side hustle.

This could include writing, graphic design, crafting, tutoring, virtual assistance, social media management, or any other skill you possess.

2. Research Accessible Side Hustle Options

Explore side hustle opportunities that are accessible and accommodating to your specific disability. Look for flexible work arrangements, remote work, or self-employment options that allow you to work from home or set your own schedule.

Research online platforms, disability-focused organizations, or support groups that can provide resources, guidance, or networking opportunities specifically tailored to individuals with disabilities.

3. Build Your Network and Support System

Connect with others who have similar experiences or interests within the disabled community.

Join online communities, forums, or social media groups where you can engage with like-minded individuals and learn from their experiences.

Building a supportive network can provide valuable insights, advice, and potential collaboration opportunities for your side hustle.

4. Seek Accommodations and Assistive Technology

Determine what accommodations or assistive technologies can enhance your productivity and enable you to pursue your side hustle effectively.

This might include adaptive equipment, assistive devices, screen readers, voice recognition software, or any other tools that can help you overcome barriers and perform tasks efficiently.

Research available resources or grants that can assist with the acquisition of necessary accommodations or technologies.

5. Market Your Side Hustle and Target Your Audience

Develop a marketing strategy to promote your side hustle.

Utilize online platforms, social media, and disability-specific networks to reach your target audience. Highlight your unique perspective, skills, and expertise as a disabled person.

Tailor your messaging to resonate with individuals or organizations that value diversity, and accessibility, or are specifically interested in supporting businesses owned by disabled individuals.

Thrive Despite the Disabilities with Side Hustles

Side hustles can be an excellent way for you to take control of your financial future and support yourself in ways you might not otherwise have been able to.

By taking the time to explore various side hustle opportunities, you can determine which ones are best suited to your skills and abilities. With the right combination of determination and support, you can find success with your side gigs.

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Breaking Barriers: 29 Side Hustles for Disabled Businessmen (5)

Are there any resources available to help disabled individuals find side hustles?

Yes, there are organizations such as the National Telecommuting Institute and Rising Phoenix that offer job training and placement for disabled individuals.

Can disabled individuals earn a significant income from their side hustles?

It depends on the type of side hustle and the amount of time and effort put into it. Some disabled individuals have been able to make a full-time income from their side hustle.

Are there any tax implications for disabled individuals with side hustles?

Yes, disabled individuals should consult with a tax professional to ensure they are properly reporting their side hustle income.

Do side hustles affect disability benefits?

It depends on the specific benefits and income limits set by the government. Disabled individuals should consult with a benefits counselor for guidance.

Can non-disabled individuals support the side hustles of disabled individuals?

Absolutely! Supporting the products or services of disabled individuals through purchasing or spreading the word can be of big help in promoting their side hustles.

Breaking Barriers: 29 Side Hustles for Disabled Businessmen (2024)


Breaking Barriers: 29 Side Hustles for Disabled Businessmen? ›

Types of Income That Social Security Disability Consider Passive. They are three primary earning activities that would be considered passive for disability insurance benefits. Profits from the ownership of property such as rental income or cash that flows from real estate are both consider passive forms of income.

What is passive income for disabled people? ›

Types of Income That Social Security Disability Consider Passive. They are three primary earning activities that would be considered passive for disability insurance benefits. Profits from the ownership of property such as rental income or cash that flows from real estate are both consider passive forms of income.

Which job is best for a disabled person? ›

You might just see something that sparks your interest.
  • Animal Caretaker. ...
  • Pharmacy Technician. ...
  • Graphic Designer. ...
  • Teacher. ...
  • Dental Assistant. ...
  • Mental Health Counselor. ...
  • Writer. ...
  • There are Many More Types of Jobs for People with Disabilities.

How can I make money if I am unable to work? ›

Accident insurance coverage also offers a lump sum after an accident is covered by that policy.
  1. Sell Your Belongings. ...
  2. Become a Freelancer. ...
  3. Sell Crafts Using Etsy. ...
  4. Rent Your Driveway. ...
  5. Become a Driver. ...
  6. Get Websites to Pay You. ...
  7. Rent a Room. ...
  8. Participate in Studies.

How to make extra income as a social worker? ›

Side Hustles for Social Workers

Private Practice: Consider starting or joining a part-time private practice, focusing on your area of specialty. E-commerce: Merge your passion with profit by selling self-care packages, educational resources, or handmade goods related to wellness and mental health.

How to make extra money while disabled? ›

29 Best Side Hustles for the Disabled
  1. Freelance Writing. If you can write, consider taking on freelance writing assignments as a way to make money on your own time. ...
  2. Virtual Assistant. ...
  3. Tutoring. ...
  4. Pet Sitting. ...
  5. Selling Crafts. ...
  6. Ride-Sharing. ...
  7. Online Surveys. ...
  8. Selling Products Online.
Jun 7, 2023

Can I make money from a hobby while on disability? ›

Typically, the Social Security Administration does not consider your hobbies when determining whether you can work. However, if you get paid for what you consider to be a hobby, then your hobby is relevant in the Social Security disability eligibility or continued disability eligibility determination.

What is the 5 year rule for Social Security disability? ›

It requires that you must have worked five out of the last ten years immediately before your disability onset to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

How to make money while on SSDI? ›

Returning to Work While on SSDI

Here's how it works: A trial work month is any month you earned over $970 in 2022. If you are self-employed, it's a trial work month if you make over $970 minus business expenses or work over 80 hours. During the trial work period, you'll get your full SSDI benefits.

How do I make money when no one will hire me? ›

How to make money in between jobs
  1. Take part in paid surveys. Sign up with companies conducting market research. ...
  2. Use your skills to freelance. ...
  3. Learn a skill. ...
  4. Sell your clothes. ...
  5. Sell unneeded items. ...
  6. Work part-time. ...
  7. Complete tasks on online job boards. ...
  8. Offer landscape services.
Feb 16, 2023

What field of social work makes the most money? ›

  • 5 Highest-Paying Jobs in Social Work. Professional social workers seek to find solutions advocating to meet their client's needs. ...
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Managers. ...
  • Child and Family Therapists. ...
  • Social Policy Analysts. ...
  • Medical Social Workers. ...
  • Human Resources Coordinators.

Can you freelance as a social worker? ›

Many social workers choose to work as freelancers, consultants, or independent contractors to enjoy more flexibility, autonomy, and diversity in their projects.

What qualifies as passive income? ›

Passive income includes regular earnings from a source other than an employer or contractor. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) says passive income can come from two sources: rental property or a business in which one does not actively participate, such as being paid book royalties or stock dividends.

Does SSDI count passive income as income? ›

Passive income does not directly affect Social Security benefits from a legal perspective.

What is the special allowance for passive income? ›

The maximum special allowance is: $25,000 for single individuals and married individuals filing a joint return for the tax year. $12,500 for married individuals who file separate returns for the tax year and lived apart from their spouses at all times during the tax year.

What is an example of passive activity income? ›

Passive income is earnings from a rental property, limited partnership, or other enterprise in which a person is not actively involved. A passive loss is a financial loss within an investment in any trade or business enterprise in which the investor is not a material participant.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.