BSc Specialization Application: Requirements (2024)

The BSc Specialization Application is currently closed. It will re-open on May 28, 2024.

You must complete all departmental and faculty requirements listed below by the end of the current Winter Session for any specialization to which you apply.

What’s the difference between the course requirements listed in the Calendar and the specialization eligibility requirements below?

In addition to the first-year courses required for admission, specializations may require second-year courses that have additional first-year prerequisites. Courses required in a specialization are different from eligibility requirements. You should review the specialization completion requirements in the Calendar so you understand what additional courses you will need to take when you are admitted to a particular specialization. Prerequisites are part of the description of each course, which you can find in the Course Schedule. Courses that make up each program specialization are listed in the Calendar. The shorter list of eligibility requirements in the UBC BSc Specialization Application is what you need to have completed before you apply to a specialization.

How should I prioritize my three choices?

Be sure that you are selecting only specializations for which you meet the eligibility requirements. Don't apply for an Honours specialization if you didn't meet the minimum credit and grade requirements. Select the specialization you really want as your first choice. Don't apply for three Honours specializations--they have the smallest enrolment and you're unduly limiting your options.

What is the difference between the Combined Major in Science and Integrated Sciences?

The Combined Major in Science (CMS) emphasizes breadth and includes a laboratory requirement and a mandatory course in science communication. It's ideal for students who wish to develop strong foundations in multiple scientific disciplines rather than specializing in a single science. Integrated Sciences emphasizes depth and interdisciplinarity. Students create their own specialization requirements (with faculty approval). It’s an ideal choice for students who want to explore a specific topic that crosses disciplines. While the CMS is more structured than Integrated Sciences, both offer students flexibility in their choice of courses and disciplines.

What’s the difference between the Major in Mathematics and the Major in Mathematical Sciences?

Mathematics is a powerful tool for solving practical problems and a highly creative field of study. It’s more than just numbers and rules for calculating with them. As a mathematics major, you’ll learn to reveal and explain patterns–whether the pattern appears as electrical impulses in an animal’s nervous system, as fluctuations in stock market prices, or as fine detail of an abstract geometric figure. The ability to simplify complex situations through abstraction and systematic reasoning is a great asset. Mathematics is applied in many fields including business, finance, industry, government, education and social sciences.

Mathematical Sciences integrates math, computer science, and statistics to provide you with a strong foundation of skills and knowledge. While maintaining a strong core in mathematics, the program allows you to emphasize mathematics, statistics, computer science, or any combination of the three.

Detailed Specialization Admission Requirements

Majors and Honours

Astronomy, Major
Atmospheric Science, Major
Biochemistry, Major
Biology, Major
Biotechnology, Honours
Cellular, Anatomical + Physiological Sciences, Major
Chemistry, Major
Cognitive Systems: Cognition and Brain, Major
Cognitive Systems: Computational Intelligence + Design, Major
Computer Science, Major
Earth and Ocean Sciences, Major
Environmental Sciences, Major
Fisheries Oceanography, Honours
Geographical Sciences, Major
Geology, Major
Geophysics, Major
Integrated Sciences, Major
Mathematics, Major
Mathematical Sciences, Major
Microbiology and Immunology, Major
Neuroscience, Major
Pharmacology, Major
Physics, Major
Physics, Honours
Statistics, Major

Combined Majors and
Combined Honours

Combined Major in Science, Combined Major
Biochemistry and Chemistry, Combined Major
Biochemistry and Forensic Science, Combined Honours
Biophysics, Combined Honours
Chemical Biology, Combined Major
Chemical Physics, Combined Honours
Chemistry and Mathematics, Combined Honours
Computer Science and Biology, Combined Major
Computer Science and Chemistry, Combined Major
Computer Science and Mathematics, Combined Major
Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology, Combined Major
Computer Science and Physics, Combined Major
Computer Science and Statistics, Combined Major
Microbiology and Oceanography, Combined Major
Oceanography and Biology, Combined Major
Oceanography and Chemistry, Combined Major
Oceanography and Physics, Combined Major
Physics and Astronomy, Combined Honours
Physics and Mathematics, Combined Honours

Major (0030) Astronomy (ASTR)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Mathematics AND Physics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Major (0167): Atmospheric Science (ATSC)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Mathematics AND Physics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Major (0244): Biochemistry (BIOC)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry, Biology AND Mathematics
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112 or BIOL 121
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 100 or MATH 110 or MATH 121
  • or 3 transfer credits of MATH 1** (differential calculus)
Major (3095): Biology (BIOL)
  • SCIE 001*
OR the following Chemistry AND Biology
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 140 or BIOL 180 and one of BIOL 112 or BIOL 121
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**

* Students who have SCIE 001 and are entering Year 2 of the Major in Biology in 2023 or later, are not required to take BIOL 140, nor BIOL 180.

Honours (1136): Biotechnology
  • Science honours requirements, sessional avg >= 70% and 6 cr ENGL 1** or WRDS 1** or SCIE 113 or other eligible communication courses (3 of these 6 cr may be completed during summer session following Year 1).
  • AND
  • SCIE 001
  • Science honours requirements, sessional avg >= 70% and 6 cr ENGL 1** or WRDS 1** or SCIE 113 or other eligible communication courses (3 of these 6 cr may be completed during summer session following Year 1).
  • AND the following Biology + Chemistry + Mathematics + Physics
  • 6 credits from BIOL 111, BIOL 112, BIOL 121
  • or transfer equivalents
  • AND
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 100 or MATH 110 or MATH 120
  • or 3 transfer credits of MATH 1** (differential calculus)
  • AND
  • Physics 12 or PHYS 100
  • or 3 transfer credits of PHYS 1**
Major (3992): Cellular, Anatomical and Physiological Sciences (CAPS)
  • SCIE 001
  • The following Chemistry + Biology
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112
  • or 8 transfer credits of BIOL 1**
Major (0409): Chemistry (CHEM)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry AND Mathematics
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
Major Cognitive Systems (1225): Cognition and Brain
  • No specific prerequisites required
Major Cognitive Systems (1226): Computational Intelligence and Design
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Computer Science
  • CPSC 107or CPSC 110
  • or 6 transfer credits of a two-course sequence in computer programming where the first course is a prerequisite for the second
Major (0376): Computer Science (CPSC)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Computer Science
  • CPSC 107or CPSC 110
  • or 6 transfer credits of a two-course sequence in computer programming where the first course is a prerequisite for the second
Major (1223): Earth and Ocean Sciences (EOSC)
  • SCIE 001
A course each from TWO of the following three areas: Mathematics, Chemistry OR Physics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 or CHEM 111 or 4 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • PHYS 131 or PHYS 106 or PHYS 117 or PHYS 107 or 3 transfer credits of PHYS 1**
Major (1263): Environmental Sciences (ENSC)
  • No specific prerequisites required
Major (3428) Geographical Sciences (GEOS)
SCIE 001
OR one of the following Biology OR Geographical Sciences OR Geographical Sciences + Physics
  • BIOL 121 or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
  • OR
  • GEOS 103 (or transfer equivalent)
  • OR
  • GEOS 102 (or transfer equivalent) AND one of PHYS 131 or PHYS 106 or PHYS 117 or PHYS 107 or 3 transfer credits of PHYS 1**
Major (3193): Geology
  • SCIE 001
A course each from TWO of the following three areas: Mathematics, Chemistry or Physics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 or CHEM 111 or 4 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • PHYS 131 or PHYS 106 or PHYS 117 or PHYS 107 or 3 transfer credits of PHYS 1**
Major (0001): Geophysics
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Mathematics and Physics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Major (1682): Integrated Sciences (INSC)
  • No specific prerequisites
Major (0456): Mathematics (MATH)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Mathematics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)

  • Note: Acceptance to the Major in Mathematics specialization is based on your average in Math courses and how highly you rank the specialization, as well as on your overall average. The Department of Mathematics will invite qualified Major in Mathematics students to join the Mathematics Honours specialization.
Major (0185): Mathematical Sciences (MASC)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Computer Science and Mathematics
  • CPSC 107 or CPSC 110
  • or 6 transfer credits of a two-course sequence in computer programming where the first course is a prerequisite for the second
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
Major (1153): Microbiology and Immunology
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry and Biology
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
Major (3742): Neuroscience (NSCI)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry AND Biology
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**

Note: This year, the Neuroscience specialization will be accepting most students based on their average, as is the usual process. The program may pilot selecting a small number (

Honours (0577): Fisheries Oceanography
Science honours requirements
  • SCIE 001
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112
  • or 8 transfer credits of BIOL 1**
Major (0311): Pharmacology (PCTH)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry and Biology
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
Major (0524) Physics (PHYS)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Mathematics and Physics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Honours (0344): Physics (PHYS)
  • Science honours requirements, and a minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses (except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND
  • SCIE 001
  • Science honours requirements, and a minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses (except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Major (0562): Statistics (STAT)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Mathematics and Statistics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • DSCI 100
  • Or 3 credits of STAT 1** or 3 credits of STAT 2**
Combined Honours (3508): Biochemistry and Forensic Science
  • Science honours requirements, sessional avg >= 70% and 3 cr ofENGL 1** or WRDS 1** or SCIE 113 or other eligible communication courses
  • AND
  • SCIE 001
  • Science honours requirements, sessional avg >= 70% and 3 cr ofENGL 1** or WRDS 1** or SCIE 113 or other eligible communication courses
  • AND the following Biology + Chemistry + Mathematics
  • BIOL 121
  • or transfer equivalent
  • AND
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 100 or MATH 110 or MATH 120 or MATH 180 or MATH 184
  • or 3 transfer credits of MATH 1** (differential calculus)
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 3 transfer credits of MATH 1** (integral calculus)
Combined Major (3382): Biochemistry and Chemistry
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112 or BIOL 121
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
Combined Honours (3676): Biophysics (BIOP)
  • Science honours requirements. Minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses (except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND
  • SCIE 001
  • Science honours requirements. Minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses (except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND the following Chemistry + Mathematics + Biology + Physics:
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • BIOL 112
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or 8 both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Combined Honours (0206): Chemistry and Mathematics (CHEM, MATH)
  • Science honours requirements
  • AND
  • SCIE 001
  • Science honours requirements
  • AND the following Chemistry + Mathematics
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
Combined Major (3340): Chemical Biology (CHEM, BIOL)
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112 or BIOL 121
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 100 or MATH 110 or MATH 120 or MATH 180 or MATH 184
  • or 3 transfer credits of MATH 1** (differential calculus)
Combined Major (3096): Combined Major in Science (CMSC)
No specific prerequisites.
Combined Major (1370): Computer Science and Biology
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Computer Science, Chemistry and Biology
  • CPSC 107or CPSC 110
  • or 6 transfer credits of a two-course sequence in computer programming where the first course is a prerequisite for the second
  • AND
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112 or BIOL121
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
Combined Major (3401): Computer Science and Chemistry
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Computer Science, Chemistry and Mathematics
  • CPSC 107or CPSC 110
  • or 6 transfer credits of a two-course sequence in computer programming where the first course is a prerequisite for the second
  • AND
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
Combined Major (1429): Computer Science and Mathematics
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Computer Science and Mathematics
  • CPSC 107or CPSC 110
  • or 6 transfer credits of a two-course sequence in computer programming where the first course is a prerequisite for the second
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
Combined Major (1371): Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Computer Science, Chemistry and Biology
  • CPSC 107or CPSC 110
  • or 6 transfer credits of a two-course sequence in computer programming where the first course is a prerequisite for the second
  • AND
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
Combined Major (1391): Computer Science and Physics
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics
  • CPSC 107or CPSC 110
  • or 6 transfer credits of a two-course sequence in computer programming where the first course is a prerequisite for the second
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Combined Major (1375): Computer Science and Statistics
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Computer Science and Mathematics
  • CPSC 107or CPSC 110
  • or 6 transfer credits of a two-course sequence in computer programming where the first course is a prerequisite for the second
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
Combined Major (3144): Microbiology and Oceanography
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry and Biology
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
Combined Major (3125): Oceanography and Biology
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry and Biology
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • BIOL 112 or BIOL 121
  • or 8 transfer credits BIOL 1**
Combined Major (3383): Oceanography and Chemistry
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Chemistry and Mathematics
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
Combined Major (3126): Oceanography and Physics
  • SCIE 001
OR the following Mathematics and Physics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Combined Honours (0009): Physics and Astronomy (PHYS, ASTR)
  • Science honours requirements. Minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses (except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND
  • SCIE 001
  • Science honours requirements. Minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses (except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND the following Mathematics + Physics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Combined Honours (0517): Chemical Physics (CHEM, PHYS)
  • Science honours requirements. Minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses ( except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND
  • SCIE 001
  • Science honours requirements. Minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses ( except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND the following Chemistry + Mathematics + Physics
  • One of CHEM 111 or CHEM 121 or CHEM 141 AND CHEM 123
  • or 8 transfer credits CHEM 1**
  • AND
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
Combined Honours (0014): Physics and Math (PHYS, MATH)
  • Science honours requirements. Minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses (except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND
  • SCIE 001
  • Science honours requirements. Minimum of 68% in all MATH 1** courses (except MATH 120 and 121, which require 60%). At least 68% in all PHYS 1** courses.
  • AND the following Mathematics + Physics
  • MATH 101 or MATH 121
  • or 6 transfer credits of MATH 1** (3 credits of differential calculus and 3 credits of integral calculus)
  • AND
  • One of PHYS 108 or 118 AND PHYS 119
  • or both of PHYS 158, 159
  • or 6 transfer credits of PHYS 1** including a lab component
BSc Specialization Application: Requirements (2024)


What is the meaning of BSC specialization? ›

Bsc Specialization means you will specialise in particular subject of your preference. Bsc General means you shall be given overview of all fields in General and its application. Students can choose from Various Specialization like Life Sciences, Mathematics, IT, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Physics, etc.

What average do I need for UBC specialization? ›

What are the requirements for admission to honours specializations? An Honours BSc requires taking at least 27 credits in each Winter Session, passing all courses, and obtaining an average of at least 68%. Many require a higher average, and some require more than 27 credits.

What are the requirements for a bachelor of Science? ›

with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning, 50% in Mathematics and 50% in Physical Science, if any Physics or Chemistry modules form part of the curriculum of a selected qualification, or at least N4 Mathematics passed with a minimum of 50% and N4 English, or N4 Communication, or N4 Communication ...

Which field in BSc has highest salary? ›

Career Pathways in Environmental Sciences
CourseSalary Range (per year, US Based)
BSc in Environmental Engineering₹66,00,000 – ₹83,00,000
BSc in Sustainable Energy₹62,00,000 – ₹74,00,000
BSc in Marine Science₹58,00,000 – ₹70,00,000
BSc in Environmental Management₹62,00,000 – ₹74,00,000
May 2, 2024

What is an example of specialization of graduation? ›

Specialization is the field you choose in any degree to become specialist in it. For example, you take admission for engineering (degree) and then you decide your specialization (electronics, IT, mechanical, civil, etc.) .

What is the qualification for BSc? ›

Ans: To qualify for a BSc, you generally need to complete 12th grade with science subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Mathematics) and meet a minimum percentage requirement, usually around 50-60%. Some colleges also require passing entrance exams.

What is the difference between a major and a specialization? ›

Specialization: 9.0 or more credits, can only be part of Bachelor Degree (4 year) Major: 6.0-7.0 credits, can be part of any degree.

What kind of degree is a specialization? ›

A specialization is a focused area of study of attached to a specific major, with specific coursework beyond major requirements. A specialization is a focused area of study attached to a specific major, and is in addition to course requirements for the major.

Is a 93 average good enough for UBC? ›

There should be no issue with a 93% average BUT they have to be in the courses UBC considers “examinables”. Check with your high school counselor or talk to a counselor at UBC to make sure you have the courses that UBC accepts for admission.

What is a 3.7 GPA at UBC? ›

We use the same conversion scale used by the UBC Registrar's Office. On that scale, a 4.0 is an 86%, a 3.7 is an 80%, a 3.0 is a 73%, and a 2.0 is a 60%. A general "Percentage/GPA Equivalency Table" can be found on the UBC students website.

How to declare a specialization in UBC? ›

Most students will be able to self-declare their option (specialization) on Workday Student when they attain a Year 3 class standing (year level). We encourage you to declare your option as soon as you're eligible.

What level of degree is a BSc? ›

Bachelor's degree – Level 6

You know you're looking at a Bachelor's degree when you see titles such as Bachelor of Arts – BA (Hons), Bachelor of Science – BSc (Hons), Bachelor of Engineering – BEng (Hons) and Bachelor of Laws – LLB (Hons).

Is A Bachelor of Science the same as a BSc? ›

BA stands for Bachelor of Arts, whereas BSc stands for Bachelors of Science. Both are undergraduate degree programmes and are used internationally. Here at Regent College London, we offer both BA and BSc.

What is the best major for Bachelor of Science? ›

Best degree options for science students
  • Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) ...
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) ...
  • B. ...
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) ...
  • Bachelor of Technology (B. ...
  • Data Analyst. ...
  • Environmental Scientist. ...
  • Pharmacist.
Mar 2, 2024

Which field is best in BSc? ›

Some of the best courses in BSc are:
  • BSc Physics.
  • BSc Chemistry.
  • BSc Biology.
  • BSc Mathematics.
  • BSc Computer Science.
  • BSc Nursing.

Which course is best during BSc? ›

BSc Course FAQs
Top 10 Popular BSc Specializations in India
BSc MathematicsBSc Physics
BSc BotanyBSc Computer Science
BSc ChemistryBSc Zoology
BSc MicrobiologyBSc Biotechnology
1 more row
Jun 5, 2024

Which department is best for BSc? ›

Government Jobs After BSc in India 2024 – List
  1. Research Scientist. ...
  2. Clinical Research Specialist. ...
  3. Lab Technician. ...
  4. Biochemist. ...
  5. Assistant Nurse. ...
  6. Forest Department- IFS Officer. ...
  7. Indian Air Force. ...
  8. FCI- Trainee.
Apr 1, 2024

Which B.Sc. course has the highest scope? ›

Here is the list of best BSc courses which has more scope in future: BSc in Physics, BSc in Mathematics, BSc in Agriculture, BSc in Horticulture, BSc in Computer Science, BSc in Biochemistry, BSc in Biotechnology, BSc in Nursing, BSc in Zoology, and so on. How many various types of BSc courses are there?

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.