Could you save money by dropping estate agents, how to sell your home (2024)

House prices are on the rise and the government is pumping money in to boost mortgage lending, making it more of a seller's property market than it has been for a long time.

But if you want to get the most from your property sale, should you consider the DIY-selling route that can save thousands of pounds on estate agents' fees - or will you be passing up getting a better price on your home by ignoring the professionals' expertise?

If you feel like now is the time to make your next move, or are ready to cash in on your property - it's important that you sell in the right way to get the best result. We take a look at DIY-selling vs the estate agents and get top tips from TV property expert Sarah Beeny.

Could you save money by dropping estate agents, how to sell your home (1)

So you've decided to sell

When it comes to selling a home, the tried and tested route is to use an estate agent who will hopefully have access to a queue of eager buyers and can help manage viewings and the sale process.

But you could save money by managing the process yourself and using a cut-price DIY-selling service, many of which have been busy fine-tuning their offerings in recent years.

At its most basic level, the choice between using an estate agent or becoming a do-it-yourself seller comes down to how involved you want to be in the process and how much you want to pay.

An estate agent will help value and market your house and act as your negotiator, while you may be on your own with the DIY route.

Some DIY-selling sites will offer assistance with getting details made up, negotiating, arranging bookings and getting feedback, but you will probably have to show people around on viewings yourself.

Estate agents will take on average a 1.8 per cent cut of your sale, according to Which? Fees can vary, however, and according to the Homeowners Alliance, most agents will charge a fee of anywhere between 0.75 per cent and 3.5 per cent of the property sale price.

Using the national average charge, if an estate agent helped you sell your house for £250,000, you would owe them a fee of £4,500.

It's highly likely that you will then have to pay the VAT on top of this, as agents often do not bundle this in, which bumps your cost up by another 20 per cent.

In comparison, listing on a private sale website could cost as little as £40, although most come with tiered services and for a mid-range offer you should budget about £300 to £500.


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The DIY route

Middle-men are constantly being bypassed in many walks of modern life.

Crowdfunding and lend-to-save help link investors and businesses without the need for banks, while social media and technology have given consumers more power over how they receive information, challenging traditional routes such as television and newspapers.

Selling your home without an estate agent should be the logical next step, as it can save you a small fortune. Yet most people still opt for an estate agent, despite the potential to save thousands.

There are plenty of ways to be a DIY seller with the internet the best place to advertise your property, as it is now where most buyers will look when searching for somewhere to live.

The key to getting your property in front of the widest possible audience though is making sure that it makes it onto the big property portals.

However, those property websites, such as Rightmove and Zoopla, are only geared towards estate agents and private sellers are unable to advertise there. This means you can't just set up your own website and then list your home on the big portals.

But that does not mean you cannot easily advertise your property online.

Where can I list my own property?

There are a numbers of websites that will let you advertise your property in return for a one-off or monthly fee.

Some will just provide a listing service, while others act as online estate agents that can help you with the whole selling process.

Online services include easyProperty, property guru Sarah Beeny’sTepilo, HouseSimple, London focused PropertyBroker, the Little House Company, Hatched and eMoov

All will have various rates depending on the level of service you require. Some of these sites are purely for listing and marketing the property, while others act as online estate agents and can arrange viewings and conduct negotiations for you.

An online estate agent can provide many of the services a high street agent does such as arranging viewings, taking pictures, creating floor plans and negotiating with buyers.

The fee is set based on how much support you want but is usually less than what you would pay a high street estate agent.

For example HouseSimple charges a flat fee of £195 if you just wanted to list your property. Or they will provide a full estate agent service from £395 that includes valuations, viewings and a listing on RightMove and Zoopla.

Ideally, you want to pick a service that can get you on Rightmove and Zoopla.

Otherwise the success of your DIY-selling will depend on buyers visiting the specific site you have chosen, or finding your listing in a way that doesn't include the two big property portal guns.

It is important to remember that there are other routes though that can prove successful, especially in a high-demand area. You could also list your property on eBay or Gumtree, use local paper listings or find prospective buyers on a neighbourhood website, by word of mouth, or through social media.

Get to know your local neighbours and ask them or friends if they know of people looking to move to the area. Schools' and major employers' newsletters are also a fertile hunting ground for prospective buyers.

What does a DIY seller do?

There can be a lot more responsibility when managing a private sale.

The amount you do on your own can depend on the website you are using and the amount you are willing to pay.

Some websites such as usually charge £49.98 just to list the property. These are just acting as property listing sites.

You will need to take your own photos of your property and upload them yourself if you are using a website so it may be a good idea to invest in a decent camera or find someone who is good at taking pictures.

You will need to measure and provide details of the number and size of rooms and prepare an energy performance certificate yourself.

You will also have to arrange your own viewings and make sure you or someone can show prospective buyers around your property.

You would also have to deal with negotiations yourself, which may require a thick skin and a lot of market knowledge.

However, you could pay a bit more on other websites acting as online estate agents which provide a fuller professional service, including a negotiator.

For example, HouseSimple charges £195 for a valuation, a home visit, professional photos and floorplans and a listing on Rightmove.

Or for £395 the website would also help organise viewings, negotiations and the sale to completion process.

This would work out a lot cheaper than an estate agent's commission, but you will have to weigh up whether a website representative will be a better promoter and negotiator than a local estate agent who would have more knowledge of your specific area.


Could you save money by dropping estate agents, how to sell your home (2)

DIY seller: Sarah Beeny of Channel 4's Selling Houses show has also set-up her own property sale service.

Property guru and television presenter Sarah Beeny reckons DIY home selling is a wise move.

She launched property listing website Tepilo in 2009. It was recently transformed it into an online estate agency that helps you through the selling process and also allows users to get their properties listed on Rightmove for a £595 fee.

She says: 'A buyer would never pay thousands upfront to an estate agent to sell their property so why do it in fees at the end of the process?

'There is still a place for estate agents with decent local knowledge.

'But the most important thing is getting your property seen. Most buyers go online first rather than the high street.'

She reveals her five top tips for selling your own home:

  • A photograph really matters. Make sure you get decent photographs taken to show off your home.
  • Be realistic about your price. There is often a big difference between what you want and what your property is worth.
  • Clean the house: People underestimate how important that is. It is amazing how many times a beautiful house can be ruined by dirty windows or mess.
  • Remember what you love about the house.
  • Leave people to it when they look around rather than leading them around the house as that can be creepy.

How should you price your home?

Putting a value on your property is a balance of your emotional and financial attachment and what the market will realistically pay for it.

Ultimately you will want a return on the price you paid and any renovations you have done such as a loft extension or conservatory.

You will also want to be able to afford to move to your next home, so you will want your home's value to have moved in line with the market - although most people would rather their property had beaten it.

The best comparison is to check how much other properties have sold for in your street or wider area as well as local schools, transport links and the crime rate.

You can look up recent house sale prices on Zoopla, or other sale price listing sites that publish Land Registry data, or if you are using an estate agent they can do a valuation and provide market intelligence on what direction property prices are going in your area.

Consider the stamp duty thresholds as a buyer would want to keep in the cheapest bracket if they can.

This was previously levied slab style, but was changed after the chancellor's Autumn Statement in December 2014.

Buyers now pay stamp duty progressively based on how much over a threshold their purchase is.

From December 4 2014, bands are now 0% up to £125,000; 2% to £250,000; 5% to £925,000; 10% to £1.5million and 12% above that.

Previously you would have paid a percentage on the entire purchase price.

Under the new system anyone buying a home costing under £937,000 should pay less or the same, Treasury figures show.

Those buying a £200,000 home will pay £1,500 instead of £2,000. The big win though is for those previously caught in the 3% tax trap, someone previously hit with an £8,250 bill on a £275,000 home will now pay £3,750.

Meanwhile, those buying a £600,000 home will now pay £20,000 in tax, compared to £24,000 before

  • Use the This is Money house price calculator to work out the value of your home.

Selling through and estate agent


If you wanted to sell your house fast there are companies that offer 'quick sales;

These companies offer to buy your property or find someone to purchase it for a discount.

The Office of Fair Trading has warned of the risks of using these companies as you don't always know who you are selling to and there is a chance that a buyer pulls out or doesn't really have any finance in place.

An estate agent will come armed with a list of potential buyers as well as knowledge of your local area.

They will be able to list your property on specialist websites such as Rightmove and Zoopla and will also have its own shop window and post and email alerts that go out to prospective buyers.

This gives you a greater chance of finding a buyer.

An estate agent can help you with the whole sale process and deal with all parts of the sale chain as well as the negotiating process.

The estate agent can provide a for sale sign outside your house, something you may have to arrange yourself through a private sale.

They will also be able to measure your rooms and take professional photographs for you.

There will be a fee to pay for their services, plus VAT, and they must outline what the charge includes.

The advantages of an estate agent

An estate agent will know the local market and have a book of possible buyers eager to look at your property.

They will be able to use their local knowledge of recent sales and demand to price your property right and get you the best offer.

The estate agent will have experience and the tools to market the property widely and can give advice on setting it up for sale

Using an agent will also take away the hassle of being at home for viewings and you will have someone who can negotiate for you.

It is still up to you whether you accept the offer but if you are nervous about negotiating you can leave the tricky and sometimes uncomfortable business of negotiating to them.

What you need to know about estate agents contracts

Estate agents will usually charge a percentage of the price you sell your home for, or sometimes a flat fee.

The charge will also depend on whether you have a sole or multi-agency agreement.

Sole agency


Depending on your agreement with the estate agent and website. you may be able to sell your property both ways.

A multi-agency agreement with an estate agent would allow you to list your property elsewhere.

You could use an online estate agent as well but check their terms as if there is a completion fee involved this could mean you are in a sole agency agreement.

For example HouseSimple has a service that includes a completion fee which acts as a sole agency agreement, however Tepilo also has an option with a completion fee but you are free to sell elsewhere.

A sole agency agreement means you only have one estate agent working for you for a fixed period of time.

Using a sole agent usually helps negotiate the commission you pay down, but you would be in breach of contract if you use someone else in that period and would still owe them and any new agent commission.

You would also be liable to pay the agent a fee if you sell the property yourself during the contract period.

The contracts usually last up to 12 weeks but it is worth asking for a shorter period.

The danger with a sole agent is that you limit yourself to their customer base and there is little incentive for them to sell quickly if they know they are the only agent you are using.


The alternative is a multi-agency agreement where you allow more than one agent to sell your property.

This is likely to involve a higher commission but means you have more people marketing your property and there is more competition to sell it.

You would only pay commission to the agent who sells your property.

All estate agents must sign up to a redress scheme such as The Property Ombudsman, which will have a code of practice they must follow that is based on the Estate Agents Act.

An estate agent must always work in the best interests of the client and clearly set out the terms of business such as the type of contract and any fees and charges.

It must be stated clearly whether the fee is a fixed price regardless of the achieved selling price or whether it is calculated as a percentage based on that achieved selling price.

The estate agent must market your property as accurately as possible and not misrepresent the details. This means they must provide an accurate measurement and description of your floorplan and the whole property.

The estate agent must follow your instructions on how viewings are conducted and pass on any offers in writing right up to when contracts are exchanged.

They are legally obliged to pass on any offer they receive from buyers, even if it is considerably below the asking price or they don't like the offer.

If the estate agent offers services to the buyer, he must inform the seller in writing of those services.

How to choose between an estate agent and DIY selling

Here are five points to consider when choosing between opting for an estate agent or taking charge of your own sale

  • Cutting fees vs getting best possible price

A property listing service or online agent will be cheaper but you will need to devote a lot of time and there are different levels of support. An estate agent will come with local knowledge, experience, access to buyers and promise to get you the best possible price for your property.

  • Doing viewings yourself vs no hassle

Depending on how much you are willing to pay an online service, a DIY sale may leave you in charge of viewings. This means you will have to give up other commitments to make yourself available. A high street estate agent can take away the hassle of always being in and manage the whole process for you.

  • Doing your own negotiations vs getting someone else to push your views

Haggling is not very British but if you want the best price for your property you will need thick skin. If you are uncomfortable being a tough negotiator you may prefer the benefits of hiding behind an estate agent.

  • Marketing your own property vs leaving the PR to a professional

The first time a buyer will see your property is most likely to be online. They will be looking at the descriptions and images so these need to sell your property. An estate agent will have experience of making a property look its best, but if you have a decent camera and a way with words you could be alright on your own.

  • Managing the whole process vs having an expert adviser on your side

Selling your own home can be time consuming and there is a lot of research needed to make sure you are listing at the right price and you will need to be a good communicator to liaise and negotiate with buyers. If the thought of this responsibility seems daunting, an estate agent can provide local knowledge of buyers and prices and be your representative throughout the whole process.


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Could you save money by dropping estate agents, how to sell your home (2024)
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