Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (2024)

25 levels, 4 categories, 1 winner. That's the simple setup for Fall Guys. But winning the crown isn't that easy. You'll have to be the fastest, the smartest, the luckiest, and the pluckiest* if you want to grab the Crown, get your victory pose, and earn some more credits for in-game swag.

But not all levels -- or mini-games -- are created equally. There are races that test your pathing skills and button-mashing timing, team battles that put your cooperation skills on display, and survival rounds that see if you've got the grit to hang in there. That's all well and good, but server lag, clunky mechanics, and, sometimes, overly simplistic level design can ruin a good time. I've seen people just straight give up and throw themselves into the slime rather than take another run at Tip Toe or See-Saw; better to start all over than play a level you hate.

So with that in mind, I present my very own and totally subjective ranking of the available levels in Fall Guys, including the newest mini-game that made its way into the main game from a popular Beta test round. Plus, a poll for you to tell us which level is your favorite!

Here's a recap of the available rounds:


  • Dizzy Heights: Dash through a dizzying array of obstacles to reach the finish line! Spinning plates, rolling balls and yet more spinning plates stand between your Fall Guy and qualification. Keep your eye on the prize or end up eliminated!
  • Hit Parade: Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!
  • See Saw: Fall Guys must temporarily team up to balance across massive See Saws in a mad dash to the finish!
  • Door Dash: Dive head-first through set after set of doors on your way to the finish line but be warned, only some doors give way while others end in a pile up of squished Fall Guys!
  • Gate Crash: Avoid the moving doors and race to the finish line!
  • Tip Toe: A hidden pathway stands between the Fall Guys and qualification! Contestants must find a safe route through trial and error, keeping an eye out for any shaky tiles will fall away when stepped on.Work as a team to find the safe route and then betray your friends in a final jump to the finish!
  • The Whirlygig: Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!
  • Slime Climb: Outrun the rising slime and survive through obstacles to reach the finish line!
  • Fruit Chute: Dodge the flying fruit and race up the conveyor belt to reach the finish line!


  • Jump Club: Dodge the swinging arms to qualify! Fall Guys must avoid being dunked into the slime by perfectly timing their jumps over the giant rotating beams. Keep an eye on the opposition too—a well timed grab might throw other Fall Guys off their rhythm and send them sprawling to their elimination below!
  • Roll Out: Move between rotating rings to avoid falling into the slime!
  • Block Party: Avoid the moving walls and don't fall off the platform!
  • Perfect Match: Memorise the icons on the tiles - when an icon is displayed on the screen, move to a matching tile to avoid falling into the slilme!
  • Tail Tag: Fall Guys must have a tail when the timer runs out! Some contestants are lucky enough to spawn with Tails, but what really matters is how they finish. Steal a tail and then evade others until the final klaxon to qualify!


  • Egg Scramble: Collect Eggs for your team! Fall Guys must scramble to pile eggs in their team's basket, with the least successful team getting eliminated when time runs out. Once all the central eggs have been accounted for the stealing begins, so be sure to protect your golden eggs that are worth 5 whole points!
  • Rock ‘N’ Roll: Fall Guys must team up to roll their giant, unwieldly rubber ball through a tricky obstacle course. Last team to get their ball in the goal is eliminated! The first half of the course keeps teams separate, but their tracks join for the final section- anything goes to impede the other teams' progress and secure victory!
  • Fall Ball: Fall Guys must score goals for their team and stumble to victory! Two giant footballs appear at kick-off, but keep an eye out for 'rogue' objects that keep things interesting until the final whistle!
  • TeamTail Tag: GRAB a tail - make sure that your team has more tails than the rest when the timer runs out!
  • Jinxed: The first team to get completely Jinxed are eliminated! When you get caught, GRAB the opposing team to Jinx them!
  • Hoopsie Daisy: JUMP and DIVE through hoops to score points for your team!
  • Hoarders: Keep balls in your area to earn points for your team!


  • Fall Mountain: A giant golden crown hovers at the top of Fall Mountain; a gauntlet of thundering boulders and spinners that is sure to challenge even the most experienced Fall Guy. First one to grab the crown claims victory!
  • Hex-A-Gone: A tower of unstable tiles looms over the slime below. Tiles fall away when stepped on, and Fall Guys must employ any strategy necessary to avoid being dunked in the slime and eliminated. Last Fall Guy standing takes home the crown!
  • Royal Fumble: GRAB the TAIL and make sure you're wearing it when the timer runs out to WIN!
  • Jump Showdown: JUMP over the spinning beam and avoid the falling floor to WIN the CROWN! (This is the 25th and newest level.)

(*Because you have to "pluck" a tail from the competition, get it? I'm sorry...)

What follows is my very level-headed and not at all rage-influenced ranking of the Fall Guys levels from worst to best. But you can vote for which one you think is the best in this poll!

25. Royal Fumble

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (1)

Let's get one rule out of the way right now: If it's got a tail, I hate it.

Because this is a solo round with no buffer thanks to fellow teammates, and also a final round for the crown, it's tailor-made for hate. The grabbing mechanism to snatch a tail to secure the win is not only clunky, it's laggy as all get out. This leads to seemingly missing a tail when you're right on top of it or losing your tail to someone who's 10 Fall Guys feet away.

To lose out on the crown due to bad mechanics and server issues just FeelsBadMan.

24. Tail Tag

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (2)

Remember that first rule? It also applies here.

This is basically the same as Royal Fumble except for the fact that it's not a final round game. You could argue that that's actually worse since it's "Winners Advance" rather than "Winner Take All", but I'd argue that the sting from losing a tail-grabbing game is worse in Royal Fumble. Splitting (tail) hairs a bit, I know.

23. Team Tail Tag

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (3)

You've got Rule #1 down by now, but Rule #2 is that Fall Guys' team games are among the worst of the bunch, mostly because "people are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it." True, there are some fun ones in the mix and the feel-good victory from the most cooperative ones make them among the best, but this is not one of them...

Mix the mechanics issue with the lag issue and add in a factor of your own teammates "accidentally" grabbing your own tail or preventing you from grabbing someone else's, and this level just becomes an absolute mess. It's basically a 50/50 shot of whether you end up winning this one or not (which is roughly the same for other team games, but they have the benefit of being much less frustrating ... mostly.)

22. Jinxed

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (4)

An addendum to Rule #1 can be found here. Sure, no one has a tail (unless it's part of your costume, which can be confusing enough on its own at times), but the Grab mechanic and lag issue is the same here.

"Jinxed" does have an extra fun factor in that it feels more like an IRL game of Zombie Tag in which each tagged person immediately switches from defense to offense until one team is completely Jinxed and they lose. That's fun. The aforementioned issues with the game itself, however, are not.

21. Egg Scramble

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (5)

"Egg Scramble" can be an absolutely cluster cluck at times and that's both maddeningly frustrating and chaotically fun. The same issues that plague every other entry in this list so far are at play here, but slightly less so. Rather than grabbing at other players who are constantly moving around and red-barring while pinging their various servers, you mainly just have to grab semi-stationary eggs. Sounds simple, right?

Part of the fun of this mini-game is changing up your strategy on the fly. Will you play offense or defense? Which team will you go after if you've got a comfortable lead? Can you actually jump back out of the egg pit you fell into? Lots of variety in strategy here even if the gameplay is pretty simple.

20. Hoarders

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (6)

"Hoarders" is basically "Egg Scramble" with fewer, bigger eggs. However, you don't have to grab anything, just dribble it, jump-bump it, or headbutt it. Easy peasy.

The giant balls, which factor into a number of upcoming levels, are a little less frustrating than the tiny eggs, but not by much. They don't always go where you want them to. Other players can sometimes seem like brick walls and the terrain can absolutely destroy our otherwise perfectly planned headbutt. But with all the goals in proximity to each other, this is a game that can change score quite quickly, leading to some mad dashes to the finish and even some fun Overtime moments.

19. Perfect Match

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (7)

This is the first mini-game on the list that doesn't get dinged for bad mechanics or team tomfoolery. It does however get some bad marks for being too simplistic.

If you're paying attention, you can pretty easily keep track of the different fruits on display on the floating tiles. Head to the matchy-matchy tile when the Fruit of the Round shows up on screen and you're good to go. A misstep or a crowded platform should be the only reason you goof this one up. If Mediatonic adds one more round to this level, it'll climb the ranks a bit.

18. Hex-a-Gone

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (8)

While it's definitely not my favorite final round, I've warmed to this maddening level a bit. The premise is simple: Keep your feet moving across the disappearing platforms longer than anyone else. But in that deceptively easy idea is a lot of variety in how you approach it.

You can hop your way from one hexagon to another, stretching the amount of space (and time) you have on the platforms. But this slow and steady approach leaves you at the mercy of speed demons who run chaotically all around each level or drop down like spoilers from above. You can also choose to run either orderly, like a good Fall Guy, or at random, like a madman. Either way is fun, but the most fun comes with switching up these tactics as needed.

The only reason it's so far down the list is that there's a glitch / bug / feature that lets your Fall Guy slip between the cracks of the hexagons, dropping multiple levels at a shot. Plus, if you land facedown, you're definitely dropping more than one level.

17. See-Saw

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (9)

This frustrating level for newcomers becomes (mostly) a breeze after playing it a few times, but it really is an exercise in patience. (It also helps tremendously to be in the front row at the start, but of course that's random.)

This mini physics lesson is relatively easy to beat, but there are times when you will absolutely lose thanks to the "wisdom" of the crowd. There's also a slippery bit when it comes to consistency: Sometimes your Fall Guy will stick to a nearly inverted see-saw and sometimes they'll flail after landing on a flatter one, falling into the slime. It is what it is. But See-Saw takes a hit for simple, a little buggy, and inconsistent.

16. Roll Out

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (10)

This is pretty much a perfect level from an execution standpoint: It's a rolling log comprised of independent sections with various obstacles. Just don't fall off.

This round can go on and on and on forever if your fellow Fall Guys aren't trying to do too much. (Hopping back and forth between two pieces is a tried-and-true method to surviving.) So as players have grown more familiar with this level, they've started getting more aggressive. Using that Grab mechanic, your competitors will try to keep you from moving until it's too late and you drop into a gap that suddenly appears. Or they'll just kinda bump you off the side if you're too close. That's not a problem with the game, or even the player base honestly, it's just a part of it.

15. Block Party

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (11)

This one is honestly pretty closely grouped with "Roll Out" and it's set up in almost the same way. Instead of a rotating platform, you're on a stationary one, but the obstacles come at you from one direction. They can be solid bars that only leave a small gap, a small beam you'll have to jump over, or rapidly approaching barriers with small windows of opportunity to get to, otherwise you get scraped off the back side of the platform.

The Grab mechanic comes into play again here as other Fall Guys will either knock you off the platform while jumping or grab onto you until a wall squeegees you out of existence. Fun, a little frustrating, but definitely winnable.

14. Tip Toe

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (12)

If you thought you'd never scream at a child, this is the game that will prove you wrong.

The premise is, once again, simple: Much like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, you must take a leap of faith and hope that the platforms beneath your feet hold fast. The problem is, if you're not on the path, you plunk into the slime and start all over. The other problem is, the more Fall Guys who are on a steady platform, the higher the likelihood is that you're getting bumped off by one of them. I suggest grabbing back onto the group to anchor yourself, which I learned the hard way:

But don't lag too far behind to create space; this mini-game does not allow many winners, so you might be eliminated by playing it safe.

13. Dizzy Heights

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (13)

No matter how many times I run this level -- and you'll run it a lot since it's one of the first in every game -- I have a blast with it. It's pretty straightforward, except for the spinny parts of which there are many, but there are definitely places you can fall and fail.

Which I found out the hard way (again):

12. Hit Parade

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (14)

The hits just keep on coming in these early races. Hit Parade and Dizzy Heights are two of my favorites to play even if I don't think they're the best levels on the list. Once you've got the patterns down, they're pretty easy to beat. Dizzy Heights might make your head spin a bit but Hit Parade will absolutely wallop you if you aren't paying attention.

11. Door Dash

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (15)

Now, yes, the Door Dash pictured above is not the same as it is in the final game and, yes, it makes zero sense why this game -- in which you crash through gates -- is called Door Dash. But stick with me. If it's general chaos and a nod back to Most Extreme EliminationChallenge you're looking for, this is the game for you.

There is perhaps nothing more satisfying in this entire game than the silly thunk and "Oof!" from your little jelly bean Fall Guy when they slam face-first into a fake door. Or maybe it's slightly more satisfying when you actually crash through a real one. Either way, this is fast, simple, and chaotically wacky fun.

10. Gate Crash

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (16)

Not to be confused with Door Dash, Gate Crash is like a cartoonish game of hurdles for your Fall Guy. Add in a few lollipop whompers and a big slimy slide (that may or may not throw you directly into a wall) and this one slightly edges out its dashy, crashy sibling.

But again, once you've got the timing down, this one should be pretty easy. It's actually more fun to try to get the lip of the rising gate to flip your Fall Guy through the air, simply for style points. You can't do that in Door Dash, so this gets the edge and makes it into our Top 10.

9. The Whirlygig

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (17)

Combine the best (and worst) of Dizzy Heights and Hit Parade, and you get The Whirlygig, the one level where I absolutely cannot figure out the right spot and pace to get through the last main windmill / fan /whirlygig from which this level takes its name. It whomps me every time and it's never not funny.

This level is slightly more difficult to navigate but far from impossible or impassable. It's actually a lot of fun to spectate as well because, boy oh boy, do people still not know how to time their jumps or add a dive to get that extra needed distance. And that is always entertaining.

8. Fruit Chute

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (18)

This one is another deceptively simple and straightforward race, but it's honestly anyone's game. The fruit comes fast and furious, and it's tough to dodge even in the best of scenarios, but you never know when something's going to hit you ... or when the jump button just won't register ...

7. Slime Climb

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (19)

This level is perhaps the best in the race category among the main mini-games. The execution is fantastic, the layout is tricky but navigable, and the off-screen "timer" of the rising slime is a unique feature that makes this map stand out. You don't have to beat anyone else in the race, you just have to stay out of the slime. Easy, right? (I guess it's been so long since I won this race that I forgot that there was a winner cap lulz)

The great (and terrible) thing about Slime Climb is the level layout: The Switchbacks make for some fun shortcuts, if you're brave enough to try it, but they're also precarious, threatening to push you back a level or drop you directly into the Elimination slime. But really, all you have to do is survive and you'll make it through to the next round. And it feels great every time you do.

6. Rock 'n' Roll

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (20)

I make an exception for the team games in the next few entries. Fall Guys can actually be a lot of fun with other players when they work together. Among the cooperative games, this is one of the best. You and your teammates will have to work together to push a ball through a series of obstacles and into a goal shared by all three teams, and you'll have to do it faster than at least one other team.

But there are a few strategies you can take here. You can all work together to move the ball as quickly as possible, but that leaves you vulnerable to Griefers from other teams at the end of the path, those who will try to block the goal or at least slow your progress. But if you send a Fall Guy or two down to be spoilers, you leave your team that much weaker for moving the ball in the first place.

Out of all the levels, however, this is the only one in which the main goal of the mini-game has a singular focus where cooperation is key, and I love it.

Fall Guys Levels Ranked from Worst to Best: Tail Games Can GTFO (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.