How do you use explainable AI in your workflow? (2024)

Last updated on Dec 31, 2023

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What is XAI and why does it matter?


How to choose an XAI technique for your workflow?


How to integrate XAI into your workflow?


What are some examples of XAI in action?


What are some best practices and tips for XAI?


Here’s what else to consider

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming many industries and domains, but it also poses challenges for trust, transparency, and accountability. How can you ensure that your AI models and systems are fair, reliable, and understandable? That's where explainable AI (XAI) comes in. XAI is a set of techniques and tools that aim to make AI more interpretable and explainable to humans. In this article, we'll show you how you can use XAI in your workflow to improve your AI outcomes and communication.

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  • Paul Deepak Raj Senior Principal Software Engineer | Software Architect | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence(AI) | Gen AI

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1 What is XAI and why does it matter?

XAI is a collection of approaches that can help make sense of AI models, why they make certain decisions, and what factors influence their performance. XAI can help address common challenges such as bias and fairness, robustness and reliability, ethics and accountability, and communication and collaboration. For instance, you can ensure AI models do not discriminate against certain groups or individuals based on their data or features. You can also test and validate your AI models against different scenarios and inputs, as well as comply with legal and ethical standards that apply to your AI domain. Moreover, XAI can help you communicate AI results to stakeholders such as customers or partners, as well as collaborate with them effectively.

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  • Collaborative AI in aviation (R&D) prioritises safety by bringing together experts from diverse fields to develop accurate, predictable, and understandable AI models. Rigorous testing, transparency, and human oversight ensure of adequate behaviour. Ethical frameworks address bias and privacy (e.g. air-traffic control is still a labour-intensive task), while compliance with regulations and continuous monitoring maintain safety. Explainability mechanisms are needed for safety-critical applications, for systems to be auditable and to ensure protection of systems and human lives.


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  • XAI is key! The need for explainability is highly correlated with the impact of the AI applications. If we are using AI to recommend for us a movie or a restaurant we may not be bothered with how AI derived the recommendation. But if we are using AI to diagnose an illness, a health issue, or we are about to invest in millions dollar decision then we need to have a comprehensive understanding on the AI algorithm and how it derives ots outcomes.


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  • XAI is like a "translator" for AI's language. It helps us understand how AI thinks and makes choices. Think about a time when you played a game of chess with a friend. If they made a move you didn't understand, you'd ask why they did that, right? XAI does a similar job for AI—it answers the 'why.' It makes sure AI isn't biased or unfair, can handle different situations, follows rules, and helps us communicate and work better with AI.


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2 How to choose an XAI technique for your workflow?

When selecting an XAI technique, there is no one-size-fits-all solution as different techniques may suit different types of AI models, data, tasks, and goals. As such, you should consider the complexity and transparency of your AI model, the purpose and audience of your XAI, the granularity and scope of your XAI, and the format and medium you want to use. These criteria can help you choose from a variety of XAI techniques, such as feature importance and attribution, local and global explanations, visualization and saliency maps, as well as natural language generation and summarization. Ultimately, these techniques can help you explain or justify your AI decisions to a user or regulator while also providing valuable insights for improving your AI model.

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  • It is essential to assess the interpretability and comprehensibility of the chosen XAI technique. Opt for techniques that strike the right balance between accuracy and simplicity, ensuring that the explanations generated are understandable to both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Consider the computational cost and scalability of the technique, especially if you are dealing with large-scale or real-time applications. Evaluate the robustness and generalizability of the XAI technique across different datasets and model architectures, guaranteeing consistent and reliable explanations in various scenarios.


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  • Akshay Bansal Co-Founder @ Doubtbuddy.

    To choose an XAI technique: 1. Define objectives. 2. Assess model complexity. 3. Decide intrinsic/post hoc. 4. Consider audience. 5. Balance accuracy/interpretability. 6. Evaluate data availability. 7. Account for resource constraints. 8. Review explanation complexity. 9. Ensure consistency/reproducibility. 10. Meet regulatory requirements. 11. Leverage domain expertise. 12. Experiment and evaluate thoroughly.


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  • Think of picking an XAI method like selecting the right tools for a DIY project. The AI model complexity is related to your project size; the XAI purpose is like your project goal. The audience for your explanation is like the people who will see your finished work. Different tools—like feature importance or visualization maps—fit different tasks.


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3 How to integrate XAI into your workflow?

When selecting an XAI technique that suits your AI model and goal, you can integrate it into your workflow using various tools and platforms. To begin, define your XAI objective and metrics; what are you trying to achieve with XAI and how will you measure success? Additionally, select the XAI tool or platform that has features and functionalities compatible and scalable with your AI model and data. After applying your XAI technique and analyzing the output, communicate and act on the results. Consider how you will present the XAI output to your intended audience and how it can be used to improve AI outcomes and actions. For example, use a dashboard, report, or dialogue system to convey the output in order to optimize, refine, or modify the AI model or decision.

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  • Akshay Toshniwal Senior Specialist at LTIMindtree | Thought Leader at Global AI Hub

    XAI is one of the growing areas within the field of Artificial Intelligence and it is essential to have it to build more trust and confidence in the end users mind.The idea behind XAI is to justify the outcomes generated. This enables to provide better credibility for the AI systems. It can also lead to building responsible AI systems (another growing area within the field of AI)Some of the ways how XAI can be integrated are:1. Indicating key KPIs and metrics on the overall outcomes generated2. Visualizing XAI metrics such as confidence score, causality, fidelity score, and more.3. Target the right set of audiences to get human feedback and response.Overall it depends on human feedback & computational logic of XAI.


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  • You might have a top-notch scientist, but if they can't explain their research, it's like a hidden treasure. XAI provides the 'language' to share your AI model's insights. It's crucial, like using Google Translate when you're lost in a foreign country. Metrics define your destination, the XAI tool is your vehicle, and the output is your journey's story.

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4 What are some examples of XAI in action?

XAI is not a far-off concept, but a practical one that can be applied to various real-world scenarios and domains. For instance, in healthcare, XAI can help doctors and patients comprehend the diagnosis and treatment recommendations of AI systems. Additionally, in finance, XAI can help lenders and borrowers understand the credit scoring and risk assessment of AI systems. Similarly, in education, XAI can help teachers and students understand the feedback and guidance of AI systems. Finally, in marketing, XAI can assist marketers and customers comprehend the personalization and recommendation of AI systems. All in all, XAI can be used to comprehend how an AI system made certain decisions and why it prescribed certain actions.

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  • Health sector and financial services are among the most heavily regulated sectors. Therefore, XAI is a must! Also under some regulations like the EU GDPR, citizens have the right to demand how algorithms derived outcomes if they have been impacted by the decision. For example, if someone on the EU ask for a loan bank and they git rejected they have the right to demand from the bank to explain how their algorithms decided or influenced the rejection decision.


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  • Erwin Nasution Volunteer at KORIKA's AI Directorate for Innovation

    As an AI enthusiast, I am excited to see how XAI will be used in the future. I believe that it has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with AI systems, making them more accessible and understandable to everyone.

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5 What are some best practices and tips for XAI?

XAI is not a one-time effort, but an ongoing process that requires careful planning and execution. To use XAI effectively and efficiently, ensure that it is consistent with your AI objectives and principles, and reflects the needs of stakeholders. Experiment with different XAI techniques and be ready to adapt them as your AI model and data evolve. Test and validate the output against different scenarios, measure its impact on AI performance, and communicate it clearly. Additionally, solicit feedback from the XAI audience to improve your XAI output.

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  • Paul Deepak Raj Senior Principal Software Engineer | Software Architect | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence(AI) | Gen AI

    In the real world, XAI success boils down to impactful, understandable explanations that help users take action. Here are some:1. Actionable Insights, not just "Why": Forget just explaining why a loan was denied. Suggest realistic actions like debt consolidation or income diversification. Empower users with "what to do next" guidance.2. Understandable explanations > Slight Accuracy Drops: Choose XAI methods like feature importance that are clear even if they slightly reduce model accuracy. Remember, users need to grasp it, not just engineers.3. Tailor to your Audience: Don't bombard non-technical folks with jargon. Use simpler terms, analogies, and visuals to match their knowledge level and needs. Imagine explaining to your grandma.


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  • Any best practice method has to cover the following areas:- Data analysis - Model evaluation- Production monitoring: this often ignored in practice.


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  • Erwin Nasution Volunteer at KORIKA's AI Directorate for Innovation

    Explainability should be considered early when designing AI systems, not an afterthought. Simpler models are often easier to explain. Prioritize explaining the most important or riskiest AI decisions that impact users. Use a combination of methods like visualizations, natural language, examples, and sensitivity analysis to cater explanations to different audiences. Validate explanations match model behavior across varied inputs. Explainability techniques introduce tradeoffs with accuracy, so measure the impact and tune. Overall, focus explanations on building appropriate trust in AI through transparency without overwhelming users with complexity. It's an iterative process but critical for the adoption of human-centered AI.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Erwin Nasution Volunteer at KORIKA's AI Directorate for Innovation

    - Think about explainability as building trust between humans and AI, not just understanding how models work. Focus on the "why" not just the "how."- Explanations need to be actionable, helping users make better decisions working with AI. Avoid vague or overly technical details. - Explainability requirements and users' needs will evolve over time as AI systems and data change. Plan to iterate and improve explanations.- Be transparent about the limitations of current explainability methods. Manage expectations on how interpretable complex AI models can be.- Overall, focus on building trust in AI through explainability, but don't overpromise. It's an exciting area, but still maturing.


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  • Gandhi Karuna Semiconductor GTM | Innovation | Strategy

    Considering the unexplainability of random actions coming often from Humans- the intelligence, which we have analyzed for thousands of years -Humans, really doubtful about XAI comprehensiveness for AI which we barely know even at this nascent stage.

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How do you use explainable AI in your workflow? (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.