How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (2024)

Who knew it could be so hard to get major corporations just to take your money?

Buying a new graphics card has been tough for a while now. And in 2022 it sure isn’t easy, or for the faint of heart or wallet. Fab-capacity shortages for manufacturing cutting-edge silicon are roiling the tech industry. The resulting supply crunch has hit the graphics card world the hardest.

The result? It's near-impossible for the average person to compete with cryptocurrency miners and scalpers in the race to see who can buy the latest graphics cards the quickest. These days, new cards, sold in limited quantities, sell out in an eyeblink at launch. Soon after, some of those very same cards show up on eBay or Craigslist at multiples of their manufacturer suggested retail prices (MSRPs). Existing cards, meanwhile, go out of stock almost as soon as fresh inventory is posted online or put on retail store shelves.

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (1)

These days, Sasquatch is easier to track down than one of these. (Photo: Zlata Ivleva)

Sure, there was a run on video cards in 2017-2018, triggered by the first crypto-mining craze. But it has relented, and buying a card before the COVID-19 pandemic began used to be as easy as a leisurely Amazon or Newegg order, or a field trip to your local Best Buy or Micro Center: Enter with a credit card, exit with a video card. No more!

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How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (2)

EVGA GeForce RTX 3050 XC Black Gaming 8G Review



  • $449.00 at AmazonSee It

The good news, though, is that it’s not impossible to land the card you want. Some enthusiasts have managed to upgrade their builds with the latest and greatest graphics tech despite these challenges. The bad news: It’s going to require more time than you might expect, a bit more savvy—and maybe even some fast action and sly moves.

Let's run through our five top suggested strategies for buying a new graphics card in this, the most challenging of times for GPU shoppers, PC gamers, and content creators.

You can’t buy a graphics card if you don’t know when it’s restocked, and some tools and channels can help you with that. Stock levels are easier to track for digital sellers than it is for brick-and-mortar stores, which we’ll get to in a minute. But actually buying a new GPU using this method will require a fair amount of luck.

Of course, you can park yourself on the product page of a given graphics card at your favorite reseller, and tap the F5 key, all day long, to refresh your browser. But that's tedious and ineffective. After all, each card appears on a discrete page of a site, and not every seller makes it easy to keep track of, say, all the GeForce RTX 3070-based cards a seller has in its database, all the time. These are some of the easiest ways to keep track of an online retailer’s inventory without manually refreshing a web page until you finally score (or snore).

Discord and Telegram

Perhaps the simplest and lowest-commitment way of monitoring online inventory is to use Discord and Telegram. (For anyone who isn’t in the know: Discord is basically Slack for gamers, and Telegram is a highly automatable messaging service.) Intrepid users of both services have set up a variety of bots and communities dedicated to letting people know when a retailer’s website finally has graphics cards in stock.

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (4)

Monitoring a Discord channel can give you instant in-stock alerts. (Image: Discord)

This method has a few upsides: It’s mostly passive, it’s free, and it’s totally legitimate. But there are some downsides, too, the most important among them being the fact that every other person who uses these bots or joins these communities will also be looking for a new graphics card. Anyone who’s shopped on Black Friday knows how quickly neighbors can become deadly rivals when the most-desired items are in short supply. (Our reporter Michael Kan, who experimented with bots and tried his level best to buy an AMD Radeon card via conventional retailer-stalking, ultimately came up aces thanks to an alert from the Discord channel Fixitfixitfixit Drops & Tech.)

YouTube and Twitch

The graphics card shortage has given rise to a new category of streamer: the restock monitor. Several channels on YouTube and Twitch have taken to monitoring various websites to see when they receive a new shipment of GPUs. When they do, they play a sound to let people who leave the channels running in the background know it’s time to switch tabs and race other viewers through the checkout process. Game on!

This method is fairly unobtrusive—all you have to do is listen up for the restock chime—but it’s also less effective than using Discord or Telegram. Those services can notify you on any device when a GPU has been restocked; the YouTube and Twitch channels are only useful on the device being used to stream them. Anyone with a metered connection should also be wary of the data that will get consumed to keep streaming these videos around the clock.

Dedicated Inventory Trackers

Of course, you could always turn to ol’ reliable instead of relying on these newfangled bots and servers and streaming channels. That’s right—it’s email’s time to shine.

Services like CamelCamelCamel can automatically email you when a graphics card's price drops (which is the service’s primary function) or comes back in stock. People have been using these services for years to track items they want to buy online.

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (5)

The old standard (Image: CamelCamelCamel)

Unfortunately, this might be the worst method of trying to nail an in-stock notice on a new GPU. CamelCamelCamel, in particular, is limited to Amazon, where restocked graphics cards sell out almost instantly, and you have to set up alerts for individual products rather than checking for any modern graphics card. Other services, such as and, might support more storefronts or aggregate multiple versions of a given GPU onto a single page, but the restriction to a specific product is still pretty common.

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (6)

Tracking cards by the GPU they're based on (Image:

2. Keep Track of Inventory at Local Retailers

Physical storefronts offer a few advantages over their digital counterparts when it comes to finding a graphics card in stock. The primary one is reduced competition. Everyone can shop on Amazon; not everyone can visit your local Micro Center. (Pro tip: Micro Center, if you live where the chain has stores, is better than most retailers for nailing a GPU in person.) Why compete with cryptocurrency miners, scalpers, bots, and everyone else looking to buy a new graphics card online if you can find the same product on a store shelf?

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (7)

Camping out at Best Buy for a GeForce RTX 3080 Ti (Photo: Michael Kan)

Here are a few tips for buying a new graphics card at a local electronics store:

  1. Sometimes, "nice" works. Be polite to the store’s employees. They aren’t responsible for the chip shortage, they don’t decide when graphics cards are restocked, and, in many cases, they are limited in their ability to help people get the products they want. But they’re going to be more likely to use what little wiggle room they have if you’re polite to them, than if you were rude. Exercise the golden rule.

  2. Call to ask which days of the week certain products are typically restocked. Stores often receive new shipments of a specific kind of device or gear on a predictable schedule. (Or at least as predictable as it can be, amid today's global supply problems.) Picking up the phone, politely asking when graphics cards are restocked, and planning your visit around that schedule can maximize your chances of landing a new GPU just as it hits the shelves.

  3. Use online tools to monitor in-store inventory. Retailers will often say when they have a product in stock at a local store on their websites, and even if they don’t, services like BrickSeek can often find that information for you. These methods aren’t foolproof—we can’t think of any stores whose inventory systems offer up-to-the-minute updates—but they can be useful.

3. Play the Lottery: Hope to Get Lucky With the Newegg Shuffle

Newegg decided to address the graphics card problem by taking a page from the sneaker industry’s playbook: raffles, which it dubs the Newegg Shuffle. You might be thinking that means you can enter for a chance to win a new GPU, but it’s not that straightforward. Instead, you enter for a chance to buy a new GPU, in much the same way sneakerheads have been hoping to score the latest drops at retail instead of being forced to pay resale prices.

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (8)

This GPU dance craze started back in 2021 and hasn't let up: Doin' the Newegg Shuffle. (Image:

This method is determined by luck, but so, to an extent, are the others on this list. Newegg is just more transparent about it. Whether recent Newegg Shuffles have even had video cards in them has been a roll of the dice, as well. Now, it’s just luck the whole way down: You have to hope you’re lucky enough to participate in a Newegg Shuffle offering graphics cards, and then you have to hope you’re lucky enough to win. May the odds be ever in your favor.

4. Buy a Pre-Built PC, and Sell the Other Parts

Even system manufacturers are struggling to source new GPUs for their PCs, but most have a more reliable line on finding some than the average consumer does. Much of that hardware is going to be put in a pre-built system out of which you could (at least theoretically) pluck the graphics card before selling the other parts to recoup your costs.

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (9)

A Lenovo Legion tower: Pull the card, sell the rest? (Photo: Zlata Ivleva)

The problem is that finding buyers for components taken from a pre-built system isn’t as easy as it seems, even during a global chip shortage...especially when one of those components isn't the most-coveted one. Many pre-built systems feature dated hardware, or at least middle-of-the-line components that don’t compete with the latest and greatest offerings, so potential buyers might prefer to wait for new hardware to come in stock than to settle for parts that you don’t even want yourself.

Also note that depending on the system and its installed CPU, the PC may not be able to run without a graphics card installed. Some desktop CPUs have an integrated graphics processor (IGP) that you can use to run a display and operate the system even if the video card has been pulled. But other systems (notably those based on most of AMD's Ryzen processors) may rely on the video card for even the most basic graphics output. Some Intel CPUs, too, feature a disabled IGP; in most cases, these chips' model names end in the letter "F" (such as "Core i7-11700KF") and need a video card installed in the PC to push a signal to your monitor. This is especially common in major-maker prebuilt desktops, in which using an "F" chip saves the system maker a few bucks.

Pre-built systems are often expensive, too, especially if they feature modern graphics cards. Even if you do find buyers for some of the hardware you effectively shucked from the graphics card you actually wanted to purchase, you’re probably going to spend far more than you would have if you waited for that card to come back in stock and bought it at MSRP, or close to it. Don’t buy a pre-built system for this purpose unless you’re willing to make that trade, or you happen to need enough of the other bits.

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5. Surrender to the Bot, and Become Part of the Problem (Just This Once)

We hesitate to propose this final option. It makes you (and us, by extension) part of the problem. But hey, here goes: In theory, you can either use a bot to buy a graphics card, or purchase the card you want from a scalper, who may well have plucked it from an online seller using one. We don’t advise either because (a.) it just makes things worse for other people and (b.) there’s no guarantee you’re going to get what you want, even if you fork over a bunch of bucks.

The Rent-a-Bot Route

Joining the mania, we rented a bot to buy a graphics card last year. It didn’t go well.

The process was more complicated than you might expect, required several hundred dollars up-front, and would have required an even greater investment to keep running. It also could have gotten our accounts banned from various online retailers, depending on their policies and the effectiveness of the bot creator’s anti-tracking technologies.

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (13)

Our experiment with the Stellar bot got us in hot water...and got us zero video cards. (Image: Stellar)

Even with all that, the experiment was a failure. In the end, we were able to buy a graphics card because of a notification from a Discord community. The bot didn’t do anything. Others have had more luck—which is why miners and scalpers have been able to buy so many GPUs—but the average person probably won’t be able to configure the bot correctly or afford the costs of running the bot until it finally achieves its goal.

Buying From a Scalper

Buying a new graphics card from a scalper would probably be the easiest method of acquiring one in 2022. Unfortunately, it’s also fraught with peril.

What if the listing is a scam? What if the graphics card doesn’t work? What if it's used and seems to work, but is going to be significantly more prone to failure because it was strained to the max to mine cryptocurrency? Video cards don't have odometers like cars, nor firmware like some SSDs do to track their cumulative usage stats. Platforms like eBay offer some protections for buyers, but most of the time, anyone who decides to buy from a scalper is exposing themselves to these risks.

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (14)

Don't do it! (Image: eBay)

Note that some of these problems apply to legitimate (or at least seemingly legitimate) buyers on these platforms, as well. Even if someone isn’t asking for some exorbitant amount of money for a new graphics card, they might be selling a card that doesn’t perform at its peak or is close to failure. Like the second owner of a used car selling it to a potential third, they may not know all its history. These problems are hard to spot at the time of purchase, too, especially since you probably weren’t planning to bring your system with you to put the card through its paces before you bought it.

So, What Should I Do?

By now, it probably seems like there isn’t a single good way to buy a graphics card in 2022. And that perception is pretty accurate. All of these methods require some degree of luck, some kind of time commitment, and some willingness to work harder to buy new hardware than most people would expect. The easiest way to buy a graphics card, at least for now, would be to wait for supply to improve in the indeterminate future. Indeed, right now the r/pcmasterrace subreddit, under the thread "Comprehensive guide on how to obtain a graphics card in 2022" recommends the following two-step plan...

How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (15)

A sound strategy, if you ask us... (Image: Reddit)

Otherwise, our advice would be to combine as many of these methods—barring the last one—as you’re comfortable with. It’s easier than ever to keep track of online inventory and the stock at local stores. Why not join a few Discord servers and make an acquaintance at the closest electronics store? Maybe, it’s indeed worth looking into pre-built systems, even if they aren’t particularly cost-effective. (If you need some of the other parts, after all, the extra cost of the system might work out to the same spend as paying a scalper for the card alone.) And, hey, at least it’s free to participate in the Newegg Shuffle.

"Take my money!" has never been so hard as it is right now, but we think using several of these methods at once is the way to go. If you can hold out long enough, we're confident you will land the card you are looking for at a price you are willing to pay.

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How to Buy a Graphics Card in 2022 (Without Getting Gouged) (2024)


Why are graphics cards so hard to get now? ›

Chip shortages: GPUs require advanced chips and components which have been in short supply. Chip foundries are running at full capacity trying to meet demand. Scalpers and bots: Limited supply of new GPUs has led to scalpers using bots to snatch up inventory to resell at inflated prices, further squeezing supply.

Why are graphics cards so expensive 2022? ›

Because thanks to the big shortage during Covid, crypto boom and increased demand for AI applications, GPU manufacturers have figured out that people will pay these prices.

What is the best site to buy graphics cards? ›

Best Buy, B&H Photo, Amazon and Newegg are all good retailers to check in on in the US, although you'll want to keep an eye out for inflated prices at the latter two. In the UK, we'd recommend going to Overclockers specifically and signing up to price notifications on the specific graphic card deals your looking for.

What time of year is best to buy a graphics card? ›

Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Prime Day are perfect for picking up a range of bargain graphics cards. Not only can you find the previous generations at a more affordable price, but you can often find the latest cards at a price that won't require a second mortgage to buy.

How often do graphics cards fail? ›

Most graphics cards have a functional lifespan ranging from 3-5 years on average before needing an upgrade. However, aspects like usage frequency, cooling solutions, maintenance, and the specific model all impact how long your GPU can last before showing its age.

Has the GPU shortage ended? ›

The GPU shortage is over, but it's still wreaking havoc.

Why are RTX 4000 so expensive? ›

Why are Nvidia's first RTX 4000 graphics cards so expensive? Blame the death of Moore's Law and rising component costs, says CEO Jensen Huang. “The idea that a chip is going to go down in cost over time, unfortunately, is a story of the past,” Huang said during a Wednesday Q&A with journalists.

What is the most overpriced graphics card? ›

Highlights: Most Expensive Gpus Statistics
  • The Nvidia RTX 3090 is the most expensive GPU on the market as of 2021, with an MSRP of $1,499.
  • Second most expensive GPU is the AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT, costing around $1,000.
  • The Quadro-GV100, selling for over $8,000, is considered the most expensive GPU ever manufactured.
Feb 7, 2024

How much does an H100 cost? ›

Significantly more than that; MFN pricing for NVIDIA DGX H100 (which has been getting priority supply allocation, so many have been suckered into buying them in order to get fast delivery) is ~$309k, while a basically equivalent HGX H100 system is ~$250k, coming to a price per GPU at the full server level being ~$31.5k ...

What is the number 1 graphics card? ›

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090

Does it matter what brand of graphics card you get? ›

Does the brand of GPU make a difference in gaming PC performance? No, if you are talking whether it's from asus a compared to evga or msi it won't make much of a difference. However some brands have better coolers and software and some even tweak your clocks out of box to give your gpu a slight boost.

Which budget GPU is best for gaming? ›

The Best Budget GPUs for Gaming in 2024
  • XFX Speedster SWFT309 Radeon RX 6700 XT CORE. Best Overall Budget GPU. ...
  • ASUS Dual GeForce RTX™ 4060 OC Edition 8GB. Best Budget Nvidia GPU. ...
  • ASUS Dual Radeon RX 7600 XT OC. Best Budget AMD GPU. ...
  • ASRock Intel Arc A380. ...
  • XFX Speedster SWFT319 Radeon RX 6800 Core. ...
  • See More.
Mar 30, 2024

Should I wait until Black Friday to buy a GPU? ›

Is Black Friday a good time to buy a graphics card? It's been proven time and time again that Black Friday (and the weeks surrounding the sales event) can save you hundreds of dollars on graphics cards.

How do I know if my graphics card is outdated? ›

To see if you have an updated graphics driver, go to the Device Manager and look at the Drivers tab (shown above). If the Driver Date is only a month or two old, then you're in good shape. If it's older than that, you might want to look for a newer driver for your graphics card.

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Latest Games don't seem to load

One of the significant signs that you need a Graphics Card upgrade is that your computer struggles to play the latest games. This mostly happens with Graphics Cards that are more than three years older.

Why is there a shortage of graphic cards? ›

Global Chip Shortage

Additionally, the social distancing measures and other safety protocols implemented in factories further slowed down chip production. All these factors resulted in a severe shortage of chips, with GPUs included. As of 2023, there is still a global shortage of chips.

Why are graphics cards always out of stock? ›

Regarding the cause of stock running out, it could be two things, of course: high demand meaning RTX 4080 Super GPUs are zooming off the shelves, or low stock meaning that the graphics cards just aren't hitting the shelves in much of a quantity in the first place.

What is causing the GPU shortage? ›

The shift to remote work and learning spiked the demand for electronic devices, exacerbating the shortage. Cryptocurrency Mining: The surge in cryptocurrency prices has increased demand for high-performance GPUs for mining operations. This demand has diverted supplies away from traditional markets.

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Strong Demand For Nvidia's GPUs As Margins Rise

Underlying Nvidia's stock price increase is soaring demand for the company's GPUs. Demand for Nvidia's AI-focused chips soared 410% to $18.4 billion in the January 2024-ending quarter.

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.