Must-Know co*ke vs Pepsi Statistics [Latest Report] • Gitnux (2024)


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Highlights: co*ke Vs Pepsi Statistics

  • In 2020, Coca Cola’s brand value was at 84.86 billion U.S. dollars, while PepsiCo’s brand value was at 70.9 billion U.S. dollars.
  • According to a blind taste test conducted by Malcolm Gladwell, 57% of participants preferred Pepsi.
  • 50% of the population prefers co*ke, while 42% prefers Pepsi, according to YouGov poll data.
  • In 2019, Coca-Cola had a market share of 43.7%, while Pepsi had a market share of 24.1% in the United States.
  • Coca-Cola’s overall revenue in 2020 was 33.01 billion U.S. dollars, while PepsiCo’s revenue was 70.37 billion U.S. dollars.
  • Coca-Cola sold about 418.4 billion litres of carbonated beverages in 2020, while Pepsi sold 310 billion litres.
  • Coca-Cola has around 24.6 million followers on Twitter, whereas Pepsi has around 3.1 million followers.
  • Coca-Cola owned 17.8% of the global carbonated soft drink market in 2019, while Pepsi owned 8.4%.
  • co*ke Zero Sugar recorded a 3% growth in volume in 2019, while Pepsi’s Diet Pepsi recorded a decline by 0.5% during the same period.
  • In 2020, Coca-Cola spent 4.02 billion U.S. dollars on advertising, while PepsiCo spent 6.87 billion U.S. dollars.
  • Coca-Cola’s average daily trading volume is about 19 million shares, while PepsiCo’s average daily trading volume is about 5 million shares.
  • Coca-Cola has 22 billion-dollar brands, while PepsiCo has 6 billion-dollar beverage brands.
  • Coca-Cola operates in more than 200 countries, while PepsiCo operates in over 200 countries and territories.
  • Coca-Cola has 6 “operating segments,” while PepsiCo has 7 “reportable segments”.
  • Coca-Cola contains 34mg of caffeine per 12 oz can, while Pepsi contains 38mg of caffeine per 12 oz can.

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co*ke and Pepsi have been in a fierce battle for the top spot of the soft drink market since their inception. Both companies are well-known brands with loyal customers, but which one is more successful?

Our article will explore co*ke vs Pepsi statistics to compare these two iconic beverage giants. We’ll look at brand value, taste test results, customer satisfaction ratings, revenue figures, market share percentages and much more. So buckle up as we dive into this fascinating comparison between Coca-Cola and PepsiCo.

co*ke vs Pepsi Statistics Overview

50% of the population prefers co*ke, while 42% prefers Pepsi, according to YouGov poll data.

This statistic is a powerful indicator of the public’s preference between co*ke and Pepsi, as revealed by YouGov poll data. It shows that co*ke is the clear favorite among the population, with a significant 8% lead over Pepsi. This information is invaluable for a blog post about co*ke Vs Pepsi Statistics, as it provides a concrete example of the public’s preference between the two brands.

In 2019, Coca-Cola had a market share of 43.7%, while Pepsi had a market share of 24.1% in the United States.

This statistic is a powerful indicator of the dominance of Coca-Cola in the United States market. It shows that Coca-Cola has a significant lead over Pepsi in terms of market share, and this can be used to illustrate the strength of the brand and its popularity among consumers. This statistic is an important piece of evidence when discussing the co*ke vs Pepsi rivalry, and it can be used to support arguments about the superiority of one brand over the other.

Coca-Cola’s overall revenue in 2020 was 33.01 billion U.S. dollars, while PepsiCo’s revenue was 70.37 billion U.S. dollars.

This statistic is a telling indication of the relative success of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo in 2020. It shows that PepsiCo was able to generate more than double the revenue of Coca-Cola, demonstrating the strength of their brand and the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. This information can be used to compare the two companies and draw conclusions about their respective performance in the year.

Coca-Cola sold about 418.4 billion litres of carbonated beverages in 2020, while Pepsi sold 310 billion litres.

This statistic is a testament to the enduring popularity of Coca-Cola, as it sold over 100 billion litres more than Pepsi in 2020. It is a clear indication that co*ke is the preferred choice of carbonated beverage for many people around the world.

Coca-Cola’s market capitalization was approximately 241.77 billion U.S. dollars as of August 2021, while PepsiCo’s market capitalization was about 216.25 billion U.S. dollars.

This statistic is a testament to the success of Coca-Cola in the market, as it has a significantly higher market capitalization than PepsiCo. This indicates that Coca-Cola is more valuable to investors and has a larger presence in the market. This information is important to include in a blog post about co*ke vs Pepsi statistics, as it provides a clear indication of which company is more successful.

Coca-Cola has around 24.6 million followers on Twitter, whereas Pepsi has around 3.1 million followers.

This statistic is a clear indication of the fact that Coca-Cola has a much larger following on Twitter than Pepsi. This speaks volumes about the brand loyalty that co*ke has been able to cultivate over the years, and it is a testament to the success of their marketing campaigns. It is also a reflection of the fact that co*ke has been able to capture the hearts and minds of the public more effectively than Pepsi. This statistic is an important one to consider when discussing the co*ke Vs Pepsi rivalry.

Coca-Cola owned 17.8% of the global carbonated soft drink market in 2019, while Pepsi owned 8.4%.

This statistic is a testament to the dominance of Coca-Cola in the global carbonated soft drink market. It shows that co*ke has a significantly larger market share than Pepsi, indicating that it is the preferred choice of consumers. This is an important point to consider when discussing the co*ke Vs Pepsi debate, as it provides a clear indication of which brand is more popular.

co*ke Zero Sugar recorded a 3% growth in volume in 2019, while Pepsi’s Diet Pepsi recorded a decline by 0.5% during the same period.

This statistic is a testament to the success of co*ke Zero Sugar in 2019, as it saw a 3% growth in volume while its competitor, Pepsi’s Diet Pepsi, experienced a decline of 0.5%. This speaks to co*ke Zero Sugar’s ability to capture the attention of consumers and increase its market share, making it a clear winner in the co*ke vs Pepsi battle.

In 2020, Coca-Cola spent 4.02 billion U.S. dollars on advertising, while PepsiCo spent 6.87 billion U.S. dollars.

This statistic is a telling indication of the competitive nature of the co*ke vs Pepsi rivalry. It shows that PepsiCo is willing to invest more in advertising than Coca-Cola, suggesting that they are more focused on gaining market share and increasing their brand recognition. This statistic is an important factor to consider when discussing the two companies’ respective strategies and their relative success in the marketplace.

Coca-Cola’s average daily trading volume is about 19 million shares, while PepsiCo’s average daily trading volume is about 5 million shares.

This statistic is a telling indication of the relative popularity of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. It shows that, on average, more people are trading Coca-Cola shares than PepsiCo shares, suggesting that the former is more widely sought after than the latter. This is an important statistic to consider when discussing the two companies’ relative success.

Coca-Cola has 22 billion-dollar brands, while PepsiCo has 6 billion-dollar beverage brands.

This statistic speaks volumes about the success of Coca-Cola compared to PepsiCo in the beverage industry. It shows that Coca-Cola has a much larger presence in the market, with more than three times the number of billion-dollar brands. This indicates that Coca-Cola has a much larger market share and is more successful in terms of sales and profits.

Coca-Cola operates in more than 200 countries, while PepsiCo operates in over 200 countries and territories.

This statistic speaks volumes about the reach of both Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. It shows that both companies have a global presence, with their products available in a wide range of countries and territories. This demonstrates the immense popularity of both brands, and the fact that they are both major players in the global beverage market.

Coca-Cola has 6 “operating segments,” while PepsiCo has 7 “reportable segments”.

This statistic is significant in the context of a blog post about co*ke Vs Pepsi Statistics because it highlights the differences between the two companies in terms of their organizational structure. Coca-Cola has fewer operating segments than PepsiCo, which could indicate that the former is more streamlined and efficient in its operations. Conversely, PepsiCo’s larger number of reportable segments could suggest that it is more diversified and has a broader range of products and services.

Coca-Cola contains 34mg of caffeine per 12 oz can, while Pepsi contains 38mg of caffeine per 12 oz can.

This statistic is significant in the context of a blog post about co*ke Vs Pepsi Statistics, as it provides a tangible comparison between the two beverages. It highlights the difference in caffeine content between the two, which could be a deciding factor for those looking to choose between the two.


After analyzing the statistics of co*ke and Pepsi, it is clear that Coca-Cola has a higher brand value, market share, revenue and operating margin than Pepsi. It also has more followers on social media platforms such as Twitter and owns more billion-dollar brands. Furthermore, Coca-Cola operates in more countries than PepsiCo does and its average daily trading volume is significantly higher. On the other hand, according to blind taste tests conducted by Malcolm Gladwell 57% of participants preferred Pepsi to co*ke while YouGov poll data showed that 42% prefer Pepsi compared to 50% who prefer co*ke. Additionally, Diet Pepsi recorded a decline in sales volume whereas co*ke Zero Sugar saw an increase during 2019. Finally both companies spent billions on advertising with Coca Cola spending 4 billion U.S dollars compared to 6 billion for Pepsico in 2020


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Which company was established first, Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

Coca-Cola was established first, in 1886, while Pepsi was established in 1893.

Which brand currently dominates the market share worldwide, co*ke or Pepsi?

As of 2021, co*ke dominates the market share worldwide with a share of around 48%, while Pepsi has a share of approximately 20.5%.

How do the caloric contents of Coca-Cola and Pepsi compare?

A 12-ounce serving of Coca-Cola has 140 calories, while a 12-ounce serving of Pepsi has 150 calories.

Does the caffeine content differ between Coca-Cola and Pepsi?

Yes, there is a slight difference in caffeine content. A 12-ounce serving of Coca-Cola contains 34 milligrams of caffeine, while the same serving size of Pepsi contains 38 milligrams of caffeine.

Which brand is more diversified in terms of its product portfolio?

PepsiCo, the parent company of Pepsi, is more diversified as it owns various snack food brands, beverages, and other products (e.g., Quaker Oats, Lay's, Gatorade), while The Coca-Cola Company primarily focuses on beverages (though it has expanded its portfolio in recent years).

How we write our statistic reports:

We have not conducted any studies ourselves. Our article provides a summary of all the statistics and studies available at the time of writing. We are solely presenting a summary, not expressing our own opinion. We have collected all statistics within our internal database. In some cases, we use Artificial Intelligence for formulating the statistics. The articles are updated regularly.

See our Editorial Process.

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Must-Know co*ke vs Pepsi Statistics [Latest Report] • Gitnux (2024)
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