Unit Trust (2024)

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What is Unit Trust?

Unit Trust is an investment pool managed by Fund Managers licensed by the Securities Commission

Malaysia. Investments are typically charged a one-time fee when they purchase a Unit Trust and have

annual fees to cover the cost of running the fund thereafter.

Unit Trust funds can be segregated based on their asset classes. An asset class is a group of investment

instruments that share the same characteristics and regulations.

Types of Asset Classes

Before you start investing, it’s essential to assess your investment goals and risk tolerance.

When you’re ready to invest, you can choose from various types of asset classes such as:

money market funds, bond funds, mixed asset funds, and equity funds.

  • Money Market Funds
  • Bond Funds
  • Mixed Asset Funds
  • Equity Funds

These funds invest into highly liquid bank deposits and short-term corporate debt instruments. The debt instruments are typically issued by governments, banks and stronger credit rated corporations. Hence, money market funds have relatively lower risk, but provide stable returns.

  • Suitable for the
    following risk profile:

  • Lowest
  • Low
  • Medium
  • Medium-High
  • Higher
  • Highest

These funds invest into debt instruments issued by governments, banks, and companies that are either higher quality (investment grade), or lower (high-yield). The coupons received from these instruments are usually distributed as income to investors.

  • Suitable for the
    following risk profile:

  • Lowest
  • Low
  • Medium
  • Medium-High
  • Higher
  • Highest

These funds invest into a combination of assets which could include stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies. The well diversified nature of this mix delivers decent returns yet come with risk protection.

  • Suitable for the
    following risk profile:

  • Lowest
  • Low
  • Medium
  • Medium-High
  • Higher
  • Highest

These funds invest into publicly listed stocks that are usually spread out by regions & sectors. However, some funds can invest in a single country, sector or theme based on their investment objectives.

  • Suitable for the
    following risk profile:

  • Lowest
  • Low
  • Medium
  • Medium-High
  • Higher
  • Highest

What are the benefits of investing in Unit Trust?

Unit Trust (1)


You can start investing

in Unit Trust from as

low as RM50.

Unit Trust (2)


You get to enjoy the rewards of

a Fund Manager's expertise and

experience,who will spread out

your investments across asset

types and geographies.

Unit Trust (3)


You can easily buy and

sell units at any

point in time.

Let’s plan out your Financial Goals

Use the Financial Goal Simulator to get a clear picture of what it will take to reach your investment goals.

Unit Trust Simulation

I want to achieve RM


and I am a risk taker

I want to achieve RM


and I am a risk taker

I want to achieve RM


and I am a risk taker

Your investment goal target amountin 0 years


To achieve your investment goal, you have to make a monthly investment of


Here’s our recommended portfolio for you to achieve your investment goal.


Note: You may customize the asset class allocation based on your needs and risk appetite.

Quick view on your investment journey

0 years

Your potential returns based on your capital of RM0.00:

Best outcome:   RM0.00(+85.89%)

Average outcome: RM0.00(+85.89%)

Worst outcome:  RM0.00(+85.89%)


1. The projected returns displayed are derived from past performance and are not guaranteed for future returns.

2. These projections are solely intended for illustration purposes and do not take into account fees that may apply.

3. All returns are expressed in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), unless otherwise stated.

4. Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses and if need be, seek independent professional advice.

To invest, you will need to have

aCurrent or Savings Account with us.

Do you have one with us?

  • Yes
  • No

How to invest?

Unit Trust (4)

Unit Trust (5)

Unit Trust (6)

  • 1

    Login to HLB Connect Online Banking and click on ‘Wealth’ tab

  • 2

    Under the Discover page, click on ‘Unit Trust’

  • 3

    Choose your preferred funds to invest in

  • Click here to learn more on how you can subscribe to

    Unit Trustvia HLB Connect Online

Invest Now

How to apply?

Unit Trust (7)

Unit Trust (8)

Unit Trust (9)

Unit Trust (10)

Unit Trust (11)

Invest Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Our newly launched digital platform allows you to easily buy, sell, or switch Unit Trust funds through Hong Leong Connect Online Banking at any time, without the need to visit a physical branch.

For all fees and charges, please visit here.

The returns on Unit Trust investments are not guaranteed. Unit Trust do not constitute bank deposits or obligations nor guaranteed by the bank and are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal amount invested.

Your insured deposit(s) will no longer be protected by PIDM if transferred to non-PIDM covered institutions or accounts such as Unit Trusts.

Most Unit Trusts have a benchmark to compare their performance against. In simplified terms, a fund is doing well if it consistently outperforms its benchmark. However, since different Unit Trusts have different benchmarks, one way to compare performances between two Unit Trusts is to compare their returns, with higher consideration given to longer periods as Unit Trusts are relatively long term investments (at least 3 years or more). Nevertheless, past performance may not be an indicator of future performance and market environments may impact Unit Trusts differently depending on the assets they carry.

Because Unit Trusts are easily liquidated, unit holders may redeem all or part of their units on any business day and the Unit Trust manager will purchase them. This means that should you need cash, you can easily sell the investment. Most Unit Trusts will allow you to redeem your investments on any given business day. However, keep in mind that you might make a loss in the event that the Unit Trust is sold at a lower price compared to the point of purchase (prices of Unit Trust may shift upwards or downwards depending on the value of the assets they carry).



This document is not intended to be an invitation or offer for subscription of Unit Trusts nor does it amount to a solicitation by the bank for subscription of Unit Trusts by anyone. Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the prospectus before investing. Investors should note that there are fees and charges involved in the purchase of Unit Trusts. Investors are advised to consider the fees and charges involved before investing and consult their licensed financial or other professional advisors, if in doubt about any feature or nature of the fund. Please note, the price of units and dividends payable, if any, may go up or down. Past performance of a fund is not an indicator of its future performance. The returns on Unit Trust investments are not guaranteed and Unit Trusts do not constitute bank deposits or obligations nor guaranteed by the bank and are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of principal amount invested. Unit Trusts Schemes are not protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM).

All information provided above is for reference only. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, the Bank does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information or data provided. Neither the Bank nor its information providers shall be held responsible or liable for any errors, delays or inaccuracy of the price, data or information provided herein nor for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from any action taken in reliance on the information provided herein.

Money withdrawn from your insured deposit(s) is no longer protected by PIDM if transferred to a non-deposit account. eg. Unit Trust, Bond, Dual Currency Investment (DCI), Negotiable Instrument of Deposit (NID) and Floating Rate Negotiable Instrument of Deposit (FRNID), Structured Investment, ASNB, Investment Account-i etc.

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Fresh Take- your one-stop hub for investment knowledge.

Unit Trust 101: What is it? How does it work? Is it safe?

Here’s what you need to know about Unit Trust and why they're a popular type of investment in Malaysia

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Unit Trust 101: How Do I Read a Fund Fact Sheet?

Learn how to interpret a Unit Trust fund fact sheet – what those numbers mean and why they matter.

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Why Should I Invest in Bond Funds?

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Here is some information to help you get started.

Unit Trust Funds of Focus

Gain valuable insights on Unit Trust Funds curated by our team of expert analysts

and identify potential money-making opportunities for you.

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Fund Name

Launch Date

Asset Category


Risk Level

Shariah \u002D Compliant

Historical Performance (%)






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To invest, you will need to have

aCurrent or Savings Account with us.

Do you have one with us?

  • Yes
  • No

How to invest?

Unit Trust (13)

Unit Trust (14)

Unit Trust (15)

  • 1

    Login to HLB Connect Online Banking and click on ‘Wealth’ tab

  • 2

    Under the Discover page, click on ‘Unit Trust’

  • 3

    Choose your preferred funds to invest in

  • Click here to learn more on how you can subscribe to

    Unit Trustvia HLB Connect Online

Invest Now

How to apply?

Unit Trust (16)

Unit Trust (17)

Unit Trust (18)

Unit Trust (19)

Unit Trust (20)

Invest Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Our newly launched digital platform allows you to easily buy, sell, or switch Unit Trust funds through Hong Leong Connect Online Banking at any time, without the need to visit a physical branch.

For all fees and charges, please visithere.

The returns on Unit Trust investments are not guaranteed. Unit trust do not constitute bank deposits or obligations nor guaranteed by the bank and are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal amount invested.

Your insured deposit(s) will no longer be protected by PIDM if transferred to non-PIDM covered institutions or accounts such as Unit Trusts.

Most Unit Trusts have a benchmark to compare their performance against. In simplified terms, a fund is doing well if it consistently outperforms its benchmark. However, since different Unit Trusts have different benchmarks, one way to compare performances between two Unit Trusts is to compare their returns, with higher consideration given to longer periods as Unit Trusts are relatively long term investments (at least 3 years or more). Nevertheless, past performance may not be an indicator of future performance and market environments may impact Unit Trusts differently depending on the assets they carry.

Because Unit Trusts are easily liquidated, unit holders may redeem all or part of their units on any business day and the Unit Trust manager will purchase them. This means that should you need cash, you can easily sell the investment. Most Unit Trusts will allow you to redeem your investments on any given business day. However, keep in mind that you might make a loss in the event that the Unit Trust is sold at a lower price compared to the point of purchase (prices of Unit Trust may shift upwards or downwards depending on the value of the assets they carry).



This document is not intended to be an invitation or offer for subscription of Unit Trusts nor does it amount to a solicitation by the bank for subscription of Unit Trusts by anyone. Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the prospectus before investing. Investors should note that there are fees and charges involved in the purchase of Unit Trusts. Investors are advised to consider the fees and charges involved before investing and consult their licensed financial or other professional advisors, if in doubt about any feature or nature of the fund. Please note, the price of units and dividends payable, if any, may go up or down. Past performance of a fund is not an indicator of its future performance. The returns on Unit Trust investments are not guaranteed and Unit Trusts do not constitute bank deposits or obligations nor guaranteed by the bank and are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of principal amount invested. Unit Trusts Schemes are not protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM).

All information provided above is for reference only. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, the Bank does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information or data provided. Neither the Bank nor its information providers shall be held responsible or liable for any errors, delays or inaccuracy of the price, data or information provided herein nor for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from any action taken in reliance on the information provided herein.

Money withdrawn from your insured deposit(s) is no longer protected by PIDM if transferred to a non-deposit account. eg. Unit Trust, Bond, Dual Currency Investment (DCI), Negotiable Instrument of Deposit (NID) and Floating Rate Negotiable Instrument of Deposit (FRNID), Structured Investment, ASNB, Investment Account-i etc.

Unit Trust (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 6280

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.