What is a 6 Figure Income and Do You Need to Earn It? (2024)

Learn how much is 6 figures, as well as 7, 8, and 9 figures. Find out if making a 6 figure income makes sense to your lifestyle, and learn some ways to get there!

What is a 6 Figure Income and Do You Need to Earn It? (1)

Six figures means you earn anywhere from $100K to $999K in a year, so it is a pretty wide range of income.

When you begin to embark on the journey of figuring out if earning 6 figures is your best goal and how it can make your life better, there are several factors to consider.

Yes, at first glance earning over $100,000 annually sounds amazing and seems like the best way to become financially independent. But is it the only way to grow wealth? Certainly not!

There are countless factors that play into your goal of not living paycheck to paycheck and earning enough money is just one of the many factors that you need to account for in order to gain the skills that are required to become financially free.

Learn the difference between being rich vs. being wealthy.

Earning 6 figures is awesome, if your lifestyle works with it

In theory, there are so many reasons why earning 6 figures sounds amazing- how could it not? There are some factors, however, that we need to address before we go any further.

These are the factors that can make a 6 figure income less than glamorous.

Related: How Much is a Million Dollars?

What is a 6 Figure Income and Do You Need to Earn It? (2)

Student Debt

Having student loans is one of the top reasons that will hither your fun no matter how much money you earn. No matter what, your income is ultimately less when you need to spend hundreds every month to pay off your student debt.

Location, location, location

Where you live plays a big part in how much 6 figures actually is. Looking at something as simple as looking at the cost of living in an expensive city like San Diego vs. living in Waco, Texas can tell you a lot.

As you guys know, I live in San Diego and make a 6 figure income. However, we are far from rich as out house cost $650K so we have a pretty hefty mortgage. A low six figure income here is definitely still middle class.


Looking at how much time you actually spend to earn your income is pretty important when you are looking at how much 6 figures is.

If you are working 20-hour workdays without taking any time off, you are actually working 140 hours a week. That’s 100 extra hours a week that you could be investing in whatever makes life more enjoyable. Plus, simple math means that you are earning less than $14 an houris it worth it?

Do you love what you do?

Countless studies look at how you feel about your profession. It turns out that your feelings toward your job actually plays a tremendous part in how long you live and if you actually enjoy your day to day. That means it’s important.

When you begin to look at how much 6 figures is and determine if you really need that in your life, remember to incorporate if that profession is actually enjoyable or not.

6 Figure Jobs

Less than 10% of American make a six figure income (and you’ll see below it’s not needed to live a great lifestyle and build wealth!).

According to the Balance, these are the top 10 best 6 figure salary jobs you can get (this is not an all inclusive list):

  • Actuary – median salary $103K
  • Anesthesiologist – median salary $292K
  • Computer Scientist – median salary $118K
  • Dentist – median salary $156K
  • Financial Manager – median salary $123K
  • Internist (Doctor) – median salary $195K
  • Nurse Practitioner – median salary $114K
  • Gynecologist – median salary $208K
  • Petroleum Engineer – median salary $137K
  • Software Developer – median salary $136K

Note that some of the above (dentist, doctor, actuary) require a significant amount of schooling, which typically means student loans. So like we mentioned above, you’ll want to evaluate whether the higher income is worth the student loan payments along with the potential to work long hours.

That said, there are also some 6 figure jobs that don’t require significant schooling, and can be structured to work very few hours per week (after they’re established of course):

  • Blogger – If you’re willing to put in the work to grow a blog, you can make it to 6 figures and create some passive income. You can also work from anywhere in the world, which is awesome! Learn how to start a blog here.
  • Business owner – Depending on the business, you can grow to earn six figures without having a degree of any sort.
  • Bookkeeper – becoming a bookkeeper can be incredibly lucrative if you’re someone who is good at numbers. Learn more about starting a bookkeeping business.
  • Web Developer/Designer

Check out my full list of work from home jobs that can potentially pay up to $100K!

What is a 6 Figure Income and Do You Need to Earn It? (3)

Do You Really Need 6 Figures?

After evaluating the factors listed above, I want to encourage you to decide if earning 6 figures is really the goal you are shooting for.

Statistically, to become one of the few women that achieve their goal of earning over $100,000 annually, it can be extremely difficult. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, most people end up earning in the mid $50k’s by the time they are 34.

While earning a little more than $1,000 a week isn’t something to be ashamed of, it isn’t close to that goal of 6 figures that so many of us dream of.

I think a better question to ask of yourself is why you are reaching for that 6 figure goal. For most, it is the dream of financial security and to – finally – stop living paycheck to paycheck.

Here’s the good news- you can actually achieve financial security with almost any salary! A few adjustments (and maybe a few sacrifices) can help you live a simple life that builds wealth.

What is a 6 Figure Income and Do You Need to Earn It? (4)

Ways to Increase Wealth Without Earning 6 Figures

The most important thing to do when you are craving a secure financial future is to look at how you spend money currently. If you spend your entire paycheck on luxuries every time you get paid, what’s to say that you will stop that habit if you began earning 6 figures?

Getting into the habit now of intentional spending will help you develop the habits that you need and help you see that life is so much more than simply earning more than 6 figures (start learning how with this financial budget makeover!).

So, what are some ways that you can increase your wealth now? Well, I am glad you asked.

Keep reading for some of my go-to suggestions for anyone looking to build wealth!

Get Out of Debt

Getting out of debt is one of the best ways to increase your income without a raise. How many times have you gotten paid and have to pay $50 to a credit card, another $100 to student loans, and then $75 to a medical bill? That is all debt, and it doesn’t need to be that way.

Sit down, make a plan to get out of debt as soon as possible. Maybe you pick up a part time weekend job or maybe you begin an at-home bakery business and sell birthday cakes- anything to bring in some extra money.

Then you use that money to pay off those debts. Slowly and surely, that extra money will pay off your other debts and soon you will have an extra $225 in your pocket, instead of debt collectors!

Evaluate Your Lifestyle

I will warn you- when I decided to build my wealth despite earning less than 6 figures, this one hurt me. A lot.

Evaluating my lifestyle was one of the most difficult but essential things that I had to do in order to begin saving my money. Learning how to live a simple life was key to my financial well being.

Looking at things like buying an Americano for $1 versus a $5 Vanilla Latte at the coffee house anytime I am trying to get work done for this website. When I sat down and did the fast math, I learned pretty quickly how much those latte’s were adding up.

There are countless ways to spend money wisely that help you save in the long run. Looking for ways to cut spending but not your happiness is completely possible!

Talk to Your Human Resources Department

When I started looking at my paycheck’s breakdown, I went to the head of my HR to ask for their help to make sure that I was set up for success. That is what they went to school for, right?

The first thing that they showed me was my company’s 401k options and how I wasn’t taking full advantage of the program. You see, most companies will match what you are putting into the account by a certain amount (so by saving 4% of your paycheck, you are really saving 8% for your retirement- that’s free money).

HR Departments are there to help you get the most out of everything that a company can provide, so why not send an email and set up a meeting?

What is a 6 Figure Income and Do You Need to Earn It? (5)

Save Your Money

When calculating how much is 6 figures and if you really need that much of an income, what it really boils down to is if you have the ability to save money or not.

Get into the habit of saving money asap- trust me. The most important thing that you can be saving for is your future- that means your retirement.

So many people do not think ahead enough to ensure that they will be able to live comfortably when they are retired- don’t let that be you. Saving for retirement means putting a way a little bit each month and letting its worth grow.

Increase Your Income

The best way to get more money is to ask for a raise, plain and simple. Take an honest look at the work that you are doing and who you work for and decide for yourself if asking for a raise is a wise move.

Another option is to find another job with a higher paying salary. Think about it- if you are a customer service manager at ABC company and they can’t (or won’t) give you that raise that you need to support your family, looking into another company may give you a higher salary for the same amount of work.

The last way to increase your income (we talked about this a little bit earlier) is to get a second job, or a side hustle. If you are super organized, for example, maybe becoming a virtual administrative assistant is the right path for you.

Try some of these other ways to make some extra money:

You can also always make extra money with these 100+ ways to make $100 fast or make money without working!

How Much is A 7 Figure Income?

Earning 7 figures is much less common than earning 6 figures. Seven figures means you are earning from $1M to $9.9M, which is a significant amount of money.

From CEOs to business owners, these are the most common jobs that can earn a 7 figure income:

  • CEO (Chief Executive Officer) or other C level executives
  • Business owners – as a business owner, you have the ability to earn a significant amount of income.
  • Investment Banker
  • Corporate lawyer
  • Athletes
  • Actors/Actresses
  • Bloggers – yes again, being a blogger can make you significant income. (see how this blogger makes $1M year travelling the country in an RV!)

How Much is An 8 Figure Income?

An 8 figure income means you make from $10M to $99M. This is far less common than a 6 or 7 figure income. Here are some job you can potentially make this kind of money with:

  • Athlete
  • Actor/Actress
  • Hedge fund managers
  • Business owners
  • Website owners/bloggers
  • Lottery winners

How Much is a 9 Figure Income?

A 9 figure income is anyone who makes $100M and above. This kind if income is not typical and very difficult to obtain by working any kind of jobs.

None figure income are usually obtained by movie stars, athletes, and business owners.

For instance, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, makes a 9 figure income easy.

These are the top .01% of people in the world, and while I’m not going to tell you it’s impossible to make this much, it will be very difficult to get to this level of income.

In Conclusion

When you begin your journey of how much 6 figures is and how to achieve that goal, there are so many factors to consider. Between evaluating your lifestyle and looking into side hustles, there are so many ways to help you increase your savings and increase your financial independence.

What is a 6 Figure Income and Do You Need to Earn It? (6)


Hi I’m Ana. I’m all about trying to live the best life you can. This blog is all about working to become physically healthy, mentally healthy and financially free! There lots of DIY tips, personal finance tips and just general tips on how to live the best life.

What is a 6 Figure Income and Do You Need to Earn It? (2024)


What is a 6 Figure Income and Do You Need to Earn It? ›

A six-figure salary is anywhere from $100,000 to $999,999. It's called a “six-figure salary” because every number in this range has six digits. You might be thinking, 'That's a huge range. ' And you're right!

How much do I need to make to make 6 figures? ›

A “six-figure” amount signifies a number comprising six digits. In monetary terms, this typically ranges from $100,000 to $999,999. Therefore, a six-figure salary implies earnings of at least $100,000 annually.

How rare is a 6 figure salary? ›

What Percent of America Makes Six Figures? When you remove demographics such as infants, students, and stay-at-home spouses and focus only on full-time workers, around 18% of all earners in the US make at least six figures. Conversely, the median American household income in 2023 was approximately $44,225.

At what age should you make 6 figures? ›

Economists nickname them HENRYs, for “high earners, not rich yet.” But for most people, their “peak earning years” are from age 35 to 54. The majority of people who make six figures will do so in their 30s. Keep in mind that annual income says nothing about someone's financial health.

Is it hard to get a six-figure job? ›

Is it easy to make 6 figures a year? Making six figures a year is not easy. It requires hard work, dedication and the ability to develop specialized skills in an industry that pays well. However, with enough effort and perseverance, it is possible to reach this financial milestone.

Is $100,000 a year a good salary? ›

For most individuals and small families, the answer to “Is $100,000 a good salary?” is a resounding “yes.” Cost of living and family size can affect how far $100,000 will go, but generally speaking, you can live comfortably on $100,000 a year. Are you hoping to make the most of your salary?

Is it possible to make 100k in a year? ›

Consider fields like healthcare, technology and finance if you're hoping to earn a six-figure salary for the majority of your working life. Other fields, like education, can eventually result in a job that pays at least $100,000 a year, but salaries in that range are not common for most people in the field.

What salary is considered rich for a single person? ›

Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich. The Economic Policy Institute uses a different baseline to determine who constitutes the top 1% and the top 5%. For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year. The top 5% of income earners make $335,891 per year.

How many 25 year olds make over 100k? ›

Only 2% of 25-year-olds make over $100k per year, but this jumps to a considerable 12% by 35. That's a whopping 500% increase in the share of people making $100k or more. 21% of 66-year-olds make $100k per year or more.

Is 100k the new middle class? ›

A $100,000 salary may be considered middle-income in many parts of the U.S., but it's no longer a ticket to the middle class.

What's the easiest job to make 6 figures? ›

The most common six-figure jobs are in the healthcare industry. Six-figure remote jobs often involve data analysis, new technologies, and consulting services. You don't need a college degree to get a six-figure job. Among the easiest jobs with six-figure salaries are travel writers and multimedia artists.

What age is peak earning? ›

Peak earning years are generally thought to be late 40s to late 50s*. The latest figures show women's peak between ages 35 and 54, men between 45 and 64. After that, most people's incomes typically level off. Promotions favor younger people with longer futures*.

How to make 500k a year without a degree? ›

11 high-paying jobs in California you can get without a degree
  1. Police officer. ...
  2. Nuclear power reactor operator. ...
  3. Boilermaker. ...
  4. Web developer. ...
  5. Front desk manager. ...
  6. Distribution manager. ...
  7. Massage therapist. ...
  8. Tanker driver.

What is the most common 6 figure job? ›

33 most popular six-figure jobs
  • General and operations managers.
  • Software developers and programmers.
  • Physicians and surgeons.
  • Lawyers.
  • Financial managers.
  • Marketing and sales managers.
  • Medical and health services managers.
  • Construction managers.
Mar 26, 2024

What is the lowest six figure salary? ›

A six-figure salary is anywhere from $100,000 to $999,999. It's called a “six-figure salary” because every number in this range has six digits. You might be thinking, 'That's a huge range. ' And you're right!

How to make $300k per year? ›

If you want to earn a high salary, look at some of the jobs that pay $300,000 a year to the top earners.
  1. Radiologist. ...
  2. Chief executive officer (CEO) ...
  3. Chief financial officer (CFO) ...
  4. Obstetrics and gynecology physician. ...
  5. Psychiatrist. ...
  6. Physician. ...
  7. Dentist. ...
  8. Orthodontist.

Is making 110k a year good? ›

If you're earning $110,000 per year, give yourself a pat on the back: You're in the upper half of American earners. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income is just under $71,000.

Is 6 figures middle class? ›

In the past, a lower six-figure salary would place most people in a comfortable place in their lives, but not anymore. Thanks mostly to inflation, individuals earning $100k+ are considered lower middle class in some parts of the country according to new research from GOBankingRates.

How much is a 7 figure salary? ›

A seven-figure job refers to the number of digits listed in your salary. This includes people who earn anywhere from $1 million to just under $10 million per year. Many people may consider this salary range to be well above average.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.