Who has inspired you in your life and why? (+10 Examples) (2024)


Personal Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your job interview, here are 20 interview questions that are partially focused on your personal life.

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Question 11 of 20

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  • 1st Answer Example

  • Marketing Example

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  • Retail Example

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  • Teacher Example

  • Admin Example

  • Community Answers

This question is something that you should have an answer ready for at all times. Perhaps you look up to a parent who was a hard worker, or a teacher who encouraged you to become who you are today. Whomever this inspiring person may be, remember that the interviewer is looking for a heartfelt response.

Your life's inspiration can come from a book, a mentor, your family, a celebrity, author - literally anyone! Talk to the interviewer about who has inspired your life and why.

"I find inspiration in a variety of people and things. I would have to say that the person who has most greatly inspired me has been my grandmother. She always had a smile on her face no matter how hard she worked and she loved everyone. She was well respected and always gave more than she received. I try to live like she did, as much as I can."

"My previous manager was a huge inspiration to me. Her passion for this industry was motivating and put the fire in me to climb the ladder in my marketing career."

"My inspiration comes from my grandmother. She has spent every day of her life working hard, and I have never once heard her complain about being tired and overworked. She taught me the value of a good reputation, and I still seek out her opinion when I need inspiration."

"Many industry leaders inspire me, but I would have to say that my greatest inspiration comes from my mother who always taught me to stay focused and goal oriented, no matter the obstacles that come my way. This way of thinking has greatly attributed to my success."

"I am inspired by the workers on the assembly line. Many of them have hectic lives, mouths to feed, and less than impressive education. They overcome their hardships and come to work every day to make life better for themselves and their children."

"While it may sound cliche, my father is inspiring to me. He moved here in his 30s with two kids, a wife, no English, and no transferable education. He worked as a pizza delivery driver to make ends meet while going to school to learn to code. We may have moved a lot when I was little, but it was because he was always trying to find the next better school for us. I learned my work ethic from him and that I'm never too old to learn something new and push out of my comfort zone."

"My friend, Austin inspires me. He started a business at age 14, mowing lawns, and built it from there. This friend of mine took a risk by not going to college, and we all thought he was nuts, but now he has an incredibly successful business with 3 locations, a brand-new home, and an incredibly happy family life with two cute kids. He saw what he wanted from a young age, made a plan to make it happen, and has executed it so well, without sacrificing his happiness or pursuit of family. I think that's inspiring."

"My oldest son inspires me and has been probably my greatest teacher in life. Firstborns are apt to do that for any parent, but my son has autism, so he has taught me an entirely different way to look at life, understand it, and approach it creatively. I am very fortunate that he is relatively typical and can communicate with us, is mostly mainstreamed, and the like, but he is different. It helps me think differently about how to connect with our world, how to see things uniquely, and how everyone's perspective is valid. His passion for life, his creative brain, and his eternally happy spirit inspire me. He teaches me so much every single day, and I try to infuse my classroom with the lessons he gives me, too."

"I work in a volunteer capacity with a family owned business that was founded to give adults with special needs a community and a place to work. What they are doing for the special needs community is so inspiring to me. I have always been taught to give back and "be the change," and they're walking the walk. It inspires me to make sure I make an impact on this world and give back whenever and however possible."

Anonymous Answer

"The person who has inspired me in my life is my grandma. She passed away due to cancer, and during her time of going through chemo, she encouraged me to connect with people as well as being compassionate because we can build each other's self-esteem as well as reinforce the sense of identity."

Rachelle's Feedback

This is a beautiful response, and it seems your grandma was a very wise woman. Well said.

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Anonymous Answer

"¢My mum, no passion no point, is her life motto, and I follow suit.

"¢Michael Jordan/Kobe Bryant, whatever you put your mind to, you can achieve it."

Cindy's Feedback

Nice! And important components of success on the job!

Anonymous Answer

"I am inspired by Prof Ian Frazer. He's the Australian researcher who developed Gardasil, the vaccine that prevents HPV and cervical cancer. This type of research is a topic close to my heart, as both of my parents died of cancer. He has inspired me to do pro bono work for cancer researchers."

Marcie's Feedback

Very inspirational and moving. Do you know him personally? Have you seen him lecture, etc.? Did his contribution inspire you to get involved or did he personally encourage you to volunteer? Any additional details you want to share would make your response even more memorable to the interviewer.

Anonymous Answer

"My grandmother has been a colossal figure of inspiration since my childhood. She is the person who laid a foundation in my life upon which I continue to build my life. Her strength to surmount her struggles forbearing and with integrity has always been inspiring. Her actions defined the meaning and underscored the importance of honesty, responsibility, dedication, and humaneness. Her ability to balance the role of a mother, daughter, and physician is something I aspire to follow and achieve."

Marcie's Feedback

Wow! Your grandmother sounds like an amazing person. Your sincerity and admiration for her shine through in your answer, which is wonderful. How will these qualities she's taught and modeled for you help you to excel in dental school? Making this connection will further improve your response. Great job!

Next QuestionNext Question
  • 11. Who has inspired you in your life and why?

      How to Answer

      This question is something that you should have an answer ready for at all times. Perhaps you look up to a parent who was a hard worker, or a teacher who encouraged you to become who you are today. Whomever this inspiring person may be, remember that the interviewer is looking for a heartfelt response.

      Your life's inspiration can come from a book, a mentor, your family, a celebrity, author - literally anyone! Talk to the interviewer about who has inspired your life and why.

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 7th, 2018

      1st Answer Example

      "I find inspiration in a variety of people and things. I would have to say that the person who has most greatly inspired me has been my grandmother. She always had a smile on her face no matter how hard she worked and she loved everyone. She was well respected and always gave more than she received. I try to live like she did, as much as I can."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 7th, 2018

      Marketing Example

      "My previous manager was a huge inspiration to me. Her passion for this industry was motivating and put the fire in me to climb the ladder in my marketing career."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 7th, 2018

      Admin Example

      "My inspiration comes from my grandmother. She has spent every day of her life working hard, and I have never once heard her complain about being tired and overworked. She taught me the value of a good reputation, and I still seek out her opinion when I need inspiration."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 7th, 2018

      Retail Example

      "Many industry leaders inspire me, but I would have to say that my greatest inspiration comes from my mother who always taught me to stay focused and goal oriented, no matter the obstacles that come my way. This way of thinking has greatly attributed to my success."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 7th, 2018

      Manager Example

      "I am inspired by the workers on the assembly line. Many of them have hectic lives, mouths to feed, and less than impressive education. They overcome their hardships and come to work every day to make life better for themselves and their children."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 7th, 2018

      Sales Example

      "While it may sound cliche, my father is inspiring to me. He moved here in his 30s with two kids, a wife, no English, and no transferable education. He worked as a pizza delivery driver to make ends meet while going to school to learn to code. We may have moved a lot when I was little, but it was because he was always trying to find the next better school for us. I learned my work ethic from him and that I'm never too old to learn something new and push out of my comfort zone."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 7th, 2018

      Marketing Example

      "My friend, Austin inspires me. He started a business at age 14, mowing lawns, and built it from there. This friend of mine took a risk by not going to college, and we all thought he was nuts, but now he has an incredibly successful business with 3 locations, a brand-new home, and an incredibly happy family life with two cute kids. He saw what he wanted from a young age, made a plan to make it happen, and has executed it so well, without sacrificing his happiness or pursuit of family. I think that's inspiring."

      Teacher Example

      "My oldest son inspires me and has been probably my greatest teacher in life. Firstborns are apt to do that for any parent, but my son has autism, so he has taught me an entirely different way to look at life, understand it, and approach it creatively. I am very fortunate that he is relatively typical and can communicate with us, is mostly mainstreamed, and the like, but he is different. It helps me think differently about how to connect with our world, how to see things uniquely, and how everyone's perspective is valid. His passion for life, his creative brain, and his eternally happy spirit inspire me. He teaches me so much every single day, and I try to infuse my classroom with the lessons he gives me, too."

      Admin Example

      "I work in a volunteer capacity with a family owned business that was founded to give adults with special needs a community and a place to work. What they are doing for the special needs community is so inspiring to me. I have always been taught to give back and "be the change," and they're walking the walk. It inspires me to make sure I make an impact on this world and give back whenever and however possible."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 7th, 2018

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "The person who has inspired me in my life is my grandma. She passed away due to cancer, and during her time of going through chemo, she encouraged me to connect with people as well as being compassionate because we can build each other's self-esteem as well as reinforce the sense of identity."

      Rachelle's Feedback

      This is a beautiful response, and it seems your grandma was a very wise woman. Well said.

      Show More Answers

      Anonymous Answer

      "¢My mum, no passion no point, is her life motto, and I follow suit.

      "¢Michael Jordan/Kobe Bryant, whatever you put your mind to, you can achieve it."

      Cindy's Feedback

      Nice! And important components of success on the job!

      Anonymous Answer

      "I am inspired by Prof Ian Frazer. He's the Australian researcher who developed Gardasil, the vaccine that prevents HPV and cervical cancer. This type of research is a topic close to my heart, as both of my parents died of cancer. He has inspired me to do pro bono work for cancer researchers."

      Marcie's Feedback

      Very inspirational and moving. Do you know him personally? Have you seen him lecture, etc.? Did his contribution inspire you to get involved or did he personally encourage you to volunteer? Any additional details you want to share would make your response even more memorable to the interviewer.

      Anonymous Answer

      "My grandmother has been a colossal figure of inspiration since my childhood. She is the person who laid a foundation in my life upon which I continue to build my life. Her strength to surmount her struggles forbearing and with integrity has always been inspiring. Her actions defined the meaning and underscored the importance of honesty, responsibility, dedication, and humaneness. Her ability to balance the role of a mother, daughter, and physician is something I aspire to follow and achieve."

      Marcie's Feedback

      Wow! Your grandmother sounds like an amazing person. Your sincerity and admiration for her shine through in your answer, which is wonderful. How will these qualities she's taught and modeled for you help you to excel in dental school? Making this connection will further improve your response. Great job!

  • Next Question
    Who has inspired you in your life and why? (+10 Examples) (2024)


    Who has inspired in your life and why? ›

    Family example

    "A person who inspires me is my older brother. He always works hard and finishes every task that he starts and truly enjoys the work that he does. I want to work just as hard as he does and progress in my career so that I can love the work that I do.

    How to answer who inspires you and why? ›

    Choose a Personal Connection

    Choose someone with whom you have a personal connection. You may not be super close to them or know them personally. As a result, talk about people who inspire your professional career truly. Avoid selecting individuals you believe the interviewer expects you to mention in your response.

    What is an example of inspiration? ›

    A scientist may be inspired to develop a new drug after reading about a recent breakthrough in medical research. An artist may be inspired to paint a new masterpiece after visiting a museum and seeing the work of other great artists.

    Who inspired you in your life essay? ›

    My dad is my favorite person in the world because he is always there when I need him the most and I don't know where I would be today without him. He has helped get me to the great life I have now and I am forever thankful for all he does for me. Nobody could ever compare to my father.

    What inspires me in life? ›

    Inspiration can come from various things like traveling, learning new things, and also from people, be it historical figures, family members, mentors, etc.

    Who inspired people the most? ›

    The 10 most inspirational people of all time
    • Sir Isaac Newton. ...
    • Martin Luther King Jr. ...
    • Charles Darwin. ...
    • William Shakespeare. ...
    • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. ...
    • Winston Churchill. ...
    • Albert Einstein.

    How do you find out who inspires me? ›

    How to find inspiration in 8 steps
    1. Changing things up. ...
    2. Journaling your ideas. ...
    3. Immersing yourself in nature. ...
    4. Remembering who you are. ...
    5. Working on your self-esteem. ...
    6. Asking yourself, 'What would I do if fear wasn't a factor? ...
    7. Surrounding yourself with inspiring people. ...
    8. Eliminating the pressure to be inspired.

    How can one inspire you? ›

    A genuinely good character always shines and inspires in the long run.
    1. Care about people. ...
    2. Challenge people to do their best. ...
    3. Lead by example. ...
    4. Articulate what everyone else is thinking. ...
    5. Make people feel good about themselves. ...
    6. Help people heal. ...
    7. Share lessons from your successes and failures.

    Who is your role model and why? ›

    A role model can be anyone in your life such as: your parents, siblings, teachers, friends, someone famous etc. Task: Think of someone you admire, whose skills and qualities you would like to have and who has achieved success in their life and work.

    What is real life inspiration? ›

    Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, which gives you new and creative ideas.

    What is a good sentence for inspiration? ›

    Examples of inspiration in a Sentence

    His paintings take their inspiration from nature. She had a sudden inspiration. They would have the party outdoors! Deciding to have the party outdoors was sheer inspiration.

    What is positive inspiration? ›

    Being positively inspired is when someone is making progress towards their immediate, conscious goals and awakening to something new, better, or more!

    What inspired you as a person? ›

    It can come from a wide range of sources, including art, nature, people, events, and personal experiences. Inspiration often leads to innovative ideas, new solutions to problems, and a renewed sense of purpose. One of the most powerful sources of inspiration is nature.

    Who is your inspiration best answer essay? ›

    Third Essay

    There are many people in my life who inspire me in various ways, but one individual who stands out as a constant source of inspiration is my mother. From a young age, I have looked up to my mother for her strength, compassion, and unwavering dedication to her family.

    How do you answer who has inspired you? ›

    How to answer the questions about your inspiration
    • Choose authentic role models. It's helpful to prepare a few suitable role models in advance. ...
    • List reasons these people inspire you. ...
    • Provide an example of their impact on you. ...
    • Relate their values to your professional aspirations.
    Mar 6, 2023

    Who motivates you in life? ›

    Motivation is an essential skill to have in life, as it can help you accomplish your goals and achieve success. Many factors can affect our motivation levels, such as the six most common drivers: money, recognition, helping others, power and fame, purpose, or being the best. There are many more.

    Who inspired the world most? ›

    Here are some of the most inspirational people in history and the ideological and physical impacts they've made to help inspire you:
    1. Rosa Parks. ...
    2. Malala Yousafzai. ...
    3. Anne Frank. ...
    4. Nick Vujicic. ...
    5. Martin Luther King Jr. ...
    6. Bill Gates. ...
    7. Nelson Mandela. ...
    8. J.K. Rowling.
    Jul 10, 2023

    Who has impacted you most in your career and how? ›

    Focus on skills this person taught you. Emphasize any challenges this person helped you overcome. Highlight how this person helped you learn from your mistakes. Show how this person had an impact on your personal and/or career growth.

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    Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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    Author information

    Name: Nicola Considine CPA

    Birthday: 1993-02-26

    Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

    Phone: +2681424145499

    Job: Government Technician

    Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

    Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.