Tax consultant | Deloitte US Careers (2024)

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  • ') $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(1).hide(); $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').on('click',function () { if ( $(this).index() == 0) { //expand $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(0).hide(); $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(1).show(); $(accordionID + ' .daccord-collapse').slideDown(daccordSpeed); $(accordionID +' .daccord-header').addClass('daccord-header-icon'); } if ( $(this).index() == 1) { //collapse $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(1).hide(); $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(0).show(); $(accordionID + ' .daccord-collapse').slideUp(daccordSpeed); $(accordionID +' .daccord-header').removeClass('daccord-header-icon'); } }); } //if a valid var from url exists override open item setting. var daccordUrlVar = $.getUrlVar('internalaccordion'); if ($.fn.daccordIsInt(daccordUrlVar)) { var urlInt = parseInt(daccordUrlVar); daccordUrlVar = urlInt; properties.openItem = daccordUrlVar; } //Build item object from AEM Vars var daccordItems = []; //Item 1 daccordItems[0] = { itemTitle: "Accounting / Tax", itemText: "

    Managing taxes is a critical part of an effective business strategy. As a tax consultant, you will work directly with clients, building a relationship as a trusted tax specialist and advisor — the “go-to” tax professional. You will collaborate daily as part of high-performing teams, identifying potential approaches to address complex tax issues through research, use of cutting-edge technology, and consultation with other team members. Daily tasks may include researching tax regulations, understanding the applicable tax implications for specific clients, and making recommendations based on your findings. .

    Candidate profile: Bachelor of Science/Business Administration or Master of Science in Accounting or Taxation. CPA exam eligibility before beginning full-time employment.

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    Transfer Pricing is a multidisciplinary field that integrates economics, business, and tax principles in the evaluation of global intercompany transactions. Our Transfer Pricing professionals work with clients to help them determine how to address transfer pricing rules around the world while, at the same time, decreasing their global tax burden. They also help clients establish integrated global strategies for managing the issues related to funding the development of valuable intangible properties, providing efficient intragroup financing and centralized treasury management and moving goods and services across borders.

    Candidate profile: Undergraduate or advanced degree in Economics, Finance, Accounting, Mathematics, International Relations, or a related field

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    Managing taxes, and using technology to do so, is a critical part of an effective business strategy. Our multidisciplinary team helps clients address some of their key challenges in this dynamic environment. Projects may include interviewing clients, participating in client workshops, documenting results from workshops, determining process and tax technology requirements, researching tax technology issues, and implementing process and tax technology solutions.

    Candidate profile: Bachelor of Science/Business Administration, Master of Science in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Management Information Systems, Engineering, or a related field.

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    Help clients analyze the tax effect of complex decisions, analyze overall tax rates, and pursue performance objectives. Daily tasks may include researching tax law and drafting technical memos or opinions, defending tax positions in controversy, preparing business and individual federal and state tax returns and understanding the applicable tax implications for specific clients, and making recommendations based on the findings.

    Candidate profile: LLM or JD degree

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    Developing tax-aligned compensation and benefits programs to address global and domestic needs is a critical component of an effective business strategy. As a Global Employer Services Consultant, you will use consulting skills to work with clients to improve their global talent strategies, programs, and functions. Assist clients with developing business strategies, processes, and technologies that affect their staff and operations on a worldwide scale.

    Candidate profile: Bachelor's degree in Economics, Human Resources, International Business, Finance, or other liberal arts majors.

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    Tax consultant | Deloitte US Careers (2024)
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    Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6545

    Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

    Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

    Birthday: 2001-01-17

    Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

    Phone: +813077629322

    Job: Real-Estate Executive

    Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

    Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.